


  • 市场的信心已到了崩溃的边缘
    • why Fed didn't give the interest rate cut?
      • 嘿嘿,天晓得。
      • 美国的现有利率是2%,可以减的余地不多了,轻易不会用。现在最要紧的是让银行体系运作起来,信用市场流通起来。目前美国很多企业个人贷不到款,这会造成恶性循环。
        • Now, My WAMU 1 year GIC rate is 5%. Saving is 4%.
    • Market needs time to recover.
      700B won't turn market around right away. However, once bank is not losing money and starts lending, things will turn around.
    • 再有谁要出来讲话,我CAO他ZZ18代。市场都是这帮孙子搞坏的。
    • 一切顺势而为, 今天有时间作了几把QID, 还是有点赚头的