


  • 长线投资者,该你们入场了
    • 市场重挫 焉知非福?
    • He is a long-term investor, and with a lot of money.
      • no matter big or small, I do think his approach is useful. Frankly, in long run, day trade may not earn more money as he does.
        • He himself admitted that he did this when Nasdaq went down 80% and he bought 8 times. We donot have that much of money. And if he bought NT, (very likely) or similar stocks, then he would be still underwater.
          • If I am small investor, I wait for 30% drop to start to buy the index with 25% money, every 10% drop, another 25%. 4 times total. I can also use pyramid model. Again, I think we can use his approach. However,
            the biggest challenge is how discipline you are.
    • 七大工业国恐难联手应对金融危机
    • 不期待有V型翻转。做好Z型的心理准备。
      • 一定是V形反转,不然的话不能这样吓唬,不能这样急跌,历来这样大幅急跌都是V形反转
        • 你看看这个是不是V型翻转。
          • This is a nightmare.
            • TSX不像当年的NASDAQ有一个疯狂的泡沫化过程(98-99)。当能源的泡沫消尽以后,TSX回归11800以上的位置看来比较理性。
              • For some stocks, like GRMN, they may never get back to their highs again.
    • 熊市反弹,持长线是错误的
      • I am not talking about 10 years. Let's say 1 year. I think the current price will be quite cheap compare to 1 year later.
        • 不是一年,是一个月多一点
          • DAY TRADE 急功近利者太多including myself, 其实退一步海阔天空.
      • 目前境况你是如何应对的?
        • 快速凶悍反弹,预计纳斯达克反弹到2500点
          • China Wei again?
            • 听说他去了九号胡同,再也不会来这里了