


  • My friend's suggetion. (FYI) As the deleveraging process continue, all formal bubbles burst, some have reached reasonable levels and may have further to go while US stocks as an asset class has simply reached "DEEPLY UNDERVALUED" level.
    All seem to point to the 770 level of the S&P 500 index as the potential bottom. In fact, most are disappointed that we did not get there on Friday or today. This suggest to me that not all fortunes are lost, and that there is plenty of buying power waiting on the sideline.
    It is the psychology of everyone having been burned by buying what seemed to be cheap, only to see it get even cheaper in play! There is no guarantee however that popular wishes would be granted!

    What I am certain of is that compelling valuation and extremely negative sentiment combine to create an opportunity of "The Buy of a Generation !" Anyone who has the insight and courage to take advantage will most certainly be very richly rewarded!
    • thanks for encouragement. Started to load 1k MF in my pension fund today. Really long term investment.
    • 谢谢分享!
    • 同意,BTW,请教:如果美元见顶,哪个币种会走强?多谢
      • 唉, 不知道. 大家近来光看到美圆走强了, 岂不知? 日圆走的更强! 如果一定要我说的话, 我说:如果美元见顶,澳元会走的最强, 因为近期, 跌得最厉害