


  • 推荐COIN,值得注意,中长线,有戏
    • after break 8700,it will rebound about 3:00pm
      • it is checking the power of support od 8700 now
    • It's a garbage stock.
      • full of chance to find gold
      • On stock markets, gold is everywhere. But please remember traps are everywhere.
        • go to do more research ,then make dicision
          • 现在的市道,已经不能用常理来分析了。只有一赌。怕死的买指数,不怕死的买垃圾。
            • it depends on trend
    • 大盘应收8900之上
      • stp 今天很调皮
        • 是个跟她做爱的好机会,-----------------把她压下去
      • 有点走漏风声
    • This is a very interesting one indeed, yet full of contradiction depending on long or short term trend.
      My heart tells me it is not like a trap, but I would rather watch it. Because I believe it may take long time to override the long term trend still even if insiders are picking up, which would not be very profitable in the short run.
    • that is why you can hold some percentage in your stock list, good luck
    • 机会再先
    • Did you sell your COIN? I told you.