


  • 郑重声明, 原油反弹至此结束. 没跑的,等下次了.
    • Can you also bring a message to Mr. Market? There is a messy economy on earth, everywhere, everything. Please come back form the Moon.
      • 目前只有OIL是离群的孩子, 最无常理.
      • Answered by Mr market --- "i KNEW it. they are everywhere, on radio, tv, newspaper, internet. What else you have?"
    • I didn't run. actually I am more greedy and loaded more. no misleading. my holding is still very low. my betting is based on this. #61593@43
      • 说得我又打算进了.
        • my holding level is still very low. YMYD.
    • There is not really much chance to run today. At market open, it was $3.10 already.
    • 又要到 2.8...
    • it's coming back....
      • 被狠狠地扇了个嘴巴.
        • not that much.