


  • Up to now, SPX is making higher highs and higher lows, QQQQ, GS, WFC are in green. GM recovered most of losses.
    • I did not see any higher high on the day chart. I did see lower low. What are you talking about? Right now, it is gap up. But does not mean the market is in a short term bull either. I am not convinced so far by any side.
      • I am looking at today's chart.
        • 是uptrend
          • 目前大盘是跳空低开,向上补缺口,然后,看能冲多高了。目前红BAR/绿BAR交易量都不好。尤其是当价格上升的时候,VOLUME总是下降的。这个是很好的SHORTPATTERN。等变绿了再说。
    • Another higher low held, at least now.