


  • Guys, what 's up? Regarding HOU, if you bought in last two sessions, I am sure you will get out today with profits. So no worry at all. Here is the Support and Resistance for HOU. Fire on will.
    3nd Resistance 2.91
    2nd Resistance 2.78
    1st Resistnace 2.68
    Pivot 2.55
    1st Support 2.4433
    2nd Support 2.31
    3nd Support 2.2

    Good Luck Everybody

    By the way, prediction is not market action. Please following the price action and use your own judgement all the time.
    • Expecting HOU going to be 50% is not realistic. Please review my post #64756@43 -- that is the top for this rebounce. And, HOU will definately go into 2$ range in the short term future. But HOU is a vary good DT stock.
    • 你的毛病: 1. 过分相信自己是对的; 2. 总要证明自己是对的; 3. 解盘代替操作分析. 旁观者清, 你自己想不明白的再问, 你比我们大家都有潜力.
      • 只有市场能够证明PLAYERS的对错。我错了,我就割肉。我说了,我是MARKET PRICE, ALL OUT。让市场验证吧。
        • 我不是说HOU, 我在说你, 金玉良言.
          • 我们还是讨论股票比较好。不要牵扯到个人。你又不认识我。我也不认识你。按市场规则办比较好。我从来都不评价别人。谢谢。
            • 好, 算我早上放个屁!
              • 别别,我们大家都需要热心的人来参与。
                • 呵呵, 多谢, 一时气话. 我比较怀旧, 只当八成谬和路遥是两个人吧. 大家以后继续交流. 越来越觉得炒股炒得不是股, 炒得是心理.
                  • 瓦罐同学,我觉得路同学还是有进步的么。以前他就知道搬些咋咋唬唬的消息来,现在知道搞点50天均线,pivot点,阻力点,支撑点了。-- 只不过炒股不是这么简单的,这些大家早都知道了。要不早就是90%的人赚钱,而不是90%的人赔本了。
                    • Believe or not. I played HOU twice. Won twice. But I have to say, it is just too risky. Not my style. I will not play it for a while
                      • 我相信系统化的东西。 昨天看global mail,一个DT,他起初相信到52week low,就会反弹(我统计过,看yahoo的list,到了52周low后,5天内有20%gain.) 。不管他对错,他的系统直接,简单。简单才会赢。 50天均线什么的,比算命好不了多少。
          • 瓦兄,大家期待您提出对今天大盘走式的看法,对错与否,都是在学习。谢谢!
            • 大盘不太看. OIL今天比较别扭, 看好的地方是连续下跌有反弹需要, 不好看的地方是周五创新低量高但是波动范围小, 缺少弹性.
    • 我开盘2.61出来。不是说HOU不可能再高。但是,目前的大势不好。有利就收。赚了点小钱。但是,因为没有什么风险,EASY MONEY,也就是这样了。关于HOU的价格还算,可以到该公司网站查到。算法非常复杂。各位好运。
      • well done. did you set sell price at 2.61 or choose market price before 9:30AM? I guess my question is that if you choose market price before 9:30AM, would you get 2.61? thanks.
        • According to my plan when I bought HOU Friday afternoon
          I determined to sell it at market price at open ( whatever the price could be).

          My original plan was that the market could open at 2.80~2.90 according to my calculation of the price. The worst should be 2.78. But unfortunately, the pre-market of USO/OIL dragged down the OIL index and also the future market of oil this morning had a kind of sell off so it took the HOU down to 2.61.

          I did not change my order because I know, once the trend is turning against you, you have to get out no matter you win or loss. The market proved that I am right. I may get in again if I do not have other good candidates to Day Trade for today.
      • I was stucked in $2.52. don't want to cut loss.
    • HOU的盘中价格,受到美国两个油指数的影响。可以用这个为参考。OIL/USO。好了,我上班去了,各位小心。