


  • 同学们: 谁能给推荐一些好的贵重金属和资源股啊? 谢谢!
    • GLD or natural resource funds
      • This is fund? How about stocks?
        • I prefer GLD and mutual funds. Some gold producers hedge their products and make other crazy decisions. hard to predict.
          • O, Thanks... GLD? Is it a ETF or mutual fund?
            • ETF. It prices at 10% of spot Gold.
              • O, I see. Thanks...
    • RIO, FCX. Don't forget agricultural stocks: mon, de, agu, pot and bg.
      • 哦, 谢谢谢谢, jeff!!! 你是叫jeff吧? :))) 你说这堆, 我回去得慢慢看...:)