


  • Rolia24日的聚会看来好像是红军大会师。咱们SAP Forum是不是小范围组织一下,以保自给自足,自娱自乐?我会带n枝高尔夫球杆 和 n把羽毛球拍,外加一只烧鸭。您计划带什么,也请简单说一下。缺少的东西咱再安排。
    • May 24 要上课,很遗憾不能参加这次聚会,祝大家吃好,玩好。 希望下次能够赶上。
    • xiaoxuan的号召我都支持! 我会带些吃的,买什么现在还不知道。此外,我可以带我妈妈做的腌肉炒萝卜干。
      • Thanks for your support! :D
        • 24号天气比较热,我会带一箱矿泉水去,提醒大家也自带一些饮品。
          • I wasn't able to go there yesterday because my hubby had to work and I never drive on highway:( What a pity! But I ate 腌肉炒萝卜干 at home.
    • I heard the news about the party. could you give me the detail information and how to join the party and preparation.
      • Check the link on the top" 5月24(周日)"春天的聚会". I may have a walkie talkie,ask the organizer to call helen for you while you're there.
        • It's my first time to go to that park. Hope it's not so hard to find the picnic area #7. BTW, will the sap group meeting be the same place?
    • I wanna join if there are food provided. I am interested in BI, XI, MI and workflow.