


  • Hi, Duoduo! round trip flight ticket from Toronto to Vancouver, when is the better time to have a good deal from end of June to beginning of Sep? thanks
    • 短途的这种机票,基本上什么时候买价格都差不太多,看加航网站上有code的时候下手就可以了
      • normally when they willrelease any code? how can we know? thanks
        • 自己经常去浏览下加航网站就可以了
      • BTW, the flight pass between Toronto - Beijing, for the last single trip, can I change the itinerary from Toront to Vancouver, stay 10 days and take flight from Vancouver to Beijing? the first 5 single trips are all between Toronto and Beijing directly.
        • 一般而言,经温哥华停留后再飞北京的机票至少比直飞贵300块。
          • Thanks