


  • 请问多多:7月初多伦多到温哥华单程机票,多少钱是合适的价位,如果有特价会是多少,通常什么时候有特价,是不是随着时间的跟进,还会有上升的可能?先谢了!
    • 7月初的机票应该是逐步上涨状态,7月下旬和8月的机票则是逐渐走低。
      • so, 249.00 before tax from air canada now, is it ok enough to buy now? thanks so much for any input.
        • 应该算挺便宜的。
          • 谢谢!再劳驾问一下,westjet的飞机怎么样?
            • 挺好的
            • For the flghts from YYZ to YYC, WJ aeroplanes are generally old B737, not very good. AC has AirBus, which is better, I think.