


  • Toronto to Los Cabos, Mexico - $199 CAD roundtrip [nonstop flights]

    Los Cabos, Mexico

    Swoop has dropped the price of their January and February flights from Toronto to Los Cabos, Mexico down to between $199 and $302 CAD roundtrip including taxes.

    The flights are nonstop both ways.

    $199 roundtrip is the base price, and includes *only* a personal item.

    $302 roundtrip is the price with a carry-on or checked bag included.

    For more info about travelling to Mexico go to this blog post: Where Canadians Can Travel and click on Mexico.

    Availability for travel

    January, February 2022

    How to find and book these flights

    1. Go to the Swoop website

    2. Search for flights from Toronto (YYZ) to...

    Los Cabos, Mexico (SJD) - Look for the flights that are $101 on the way there, and $101 on the way home.

    screenshot from the Swoop website