


  • 英语发音班—少量名额,请速报名!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛你想拥有本地人一样的地道发音吗?请来CPAC 发音训练班!一定可以帮到你!

    清晰的英语发音是职场成功的重要因素之一: 它助您增强自信,融入主流,增加晋升机会。

    CPAC 为期12周的英语发音训练班开办十年以来,备受学员欢迎。本课程为非母语人士量身打造,小班教学, 师生互动,个别辅导,有效帮助学员提高发音水平。

    授课老师: Carolyn Johnson—英语口音纠正训练师

    英语发音专业培训师Carolyn Johnson,拥有语言学和教育学双学位,是安省注册老师。她多年来一直从事发音的教学培训工作,曾在多伦多大学和曼尼托巴大学教授发音课程, 是一位热爱教育事业,具有丰富语音教学经验,授课生动有创意的发音培训师。

    要求:学员需具备一定英语水平(CLB 6级以上)。

    时间:2014年9月9日—11月25日 (为期12周),每周二晚7点到9点。

    地点:4150 Finch Ave E, Scarborough ON, M1S 3T9

    费用:CPAC会员$300+HST, 非会员$360+HST. 免费停车


    报名请提供姓名,电话号码和电子邮件(会员请提供会员号码)。 报名以缴费为准,恕不留位。

    详情请咨询CPAC Grace:416-298-7885, ext.105, 或电邮:grace.lin@cpac-canada.ca

    Pronunciation Training – only a few seats left!

    Speaking clearly is important to succeed in the Canadian workplace. And speaking with little or no accent will surely help boost your confidence to integrate into the workforce and lead to more career opportunities.

    The CPAC Pronunciation Training is designed to address the specific difficulties of non-native speakers in verbal communication. This 12 week intensive course is conducted in a small group setting with intensive interaction and individual attention, allowing each participant to target his/her own issues to reduce accent and improve voice quality.

    Participants are required to demonstrate a certain level of competency in English (CLB 6 and up) and have the motivation to improve. Attendance at class will help you build awareness – the first step towards change. Commitment to home practice is crucial to success. Concepts will be reviewed in class and distributed in handouts. There are in-class exercises as well as practice homework. The next class starts on September 9, 2014.

    About the Instructor:
    Ms. Carolyn Johnson has received two bachelor’s degrees – one in linguistics and one in education – and is certified by the Ontario College of Teachers. She is qualified in CELTA (Certificate in English Training to Adults) and has extensive training in second language acquisition.
    In her career, Carolyn has taught students of all ages, from primary to university to working professionals, including teaching academic ESL at the pre-university level, and pronunciation courses at both the University of Manitoba and of Toronto. She has done extensive private and group accent modification coaching with university students and professionals from many linguistic backgrounds.

    Time: September 9— November 25, 2014 (12 weeks)
    Every Tuesday Evening, 7:00pm – 9:00 pm
    Location: CPAC Office, 4150 Finch Ave E., Scarborough, ON M1S 3T9. Free Parking.
    Fees: $300+HST for CPAC members, $360+HST for non-members
    Class size: 15 max.

    Please include your name, membership number (if you are a CPAC member), phone number and “Pronunciation Training” on subject line in your registration.

    Inquiries & registration: contact Grace at 416-298-7885 ext. 105, or email to: grace.lin@cpac-canada.ca

    Testimonial from Students

    This pronunciation training raises awareness for us to pay attention to native speakers on how they pronounce or stress certain words. The instructor is very knowledgeable about English linguistics and the difficulties facing Chinese English speakers. - Chunlei Zhao

    We were given ample one-on-one coaching and learning opportunities in class. The instructor taught and demonstrated the techniques to produce sound like a native speaker. The class was very useful and we can benefit in and after class, life-long. - Zhenyong Li

    I was very fortunate to attend this pronunciation class. Compared with other pronunciation training I have gone through, this one is customized for the Chinese speakers. The instructor showed extensive experience working with Chinese and knew exactly the common speaking challenges we face. My favourite part was the one-on-one coaching, which helped each student to improve his/her pronunciation. I highly recommend it to anyone who is willing to improve his/her English speaking skills.- Yucheng Zhang更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net