


  • AS的孩子想考IB,学习成绩尚可,可是字迹没人能认识,纠结是不是要鼓励支持?还是委婉地劝说孩子上HOMESCHOOL?谢谢大家。
    • The best thing to do is to so some research on this - contact the IB school and reach students/teachers in the program.
      The best thing to do is to so some research on this - contact the IB school and reach students/teachers in the program. Let the child figure out what's the pons and cons. What he can learn from the decision making process is more important that the decision itself.
      • 谢谢,论坛里的评论都看过,就是这个小镇上我们孩子这一届刚刚开了一个IB班,以前没有,明年9月份才有第一批学生,貌似IB班也都不是很一样。
        • I am a IB program graduated girl's(Grade 2 university student now) mom and while has a 5 years old son with ASD. Please PM me if you are interested some experience based on my personal experience.
          • Thank you so much! PMed.
            • Can't find your PM, PMed you my contact informaion. good luck.
              • I got it. Thank you so much!