


  • 温莎大学研究项目 - 自闭症儿童家长中文访谈小组
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛过去两年中,您是否曾有一个患有自闭症且在念幼儿园(kindergarten)的孩子?

    什么: 我们正在寻找于大多伦多区一些能说中文,有自闭症小孩,并且在最近2到3年内经历 过小孩入学幼儿园(kindergarten)过程,愿意参与焦点团体并且和其他有相同经历的父母讨论这个过程的家长们。我们希望可以了解父母在他们的小孩子面临上学过程中所遭遇的困难。这个焦点团体将会以普通话/国语或是广东话进行。

    谁: 此项研究将由温莎大学教育学院教授Dr. Elizabeth Starr,心理学院教授 Dr. Ben C. H. Kuo (郭崇信教授),以及Brock University心理学院教授Dr. Tanya Martini共同执行。本研究案已经温莎大学研究伦理委员会(University of Windsor Research Ethics Board)通过。
    哪里: 准确的会议地点将会在确定了之后公布。
    什么时候: 这个团体将会在五月或六月的一个傍晚6:15至8:15 pm举行。在确定谁对参与这个研究有兴趣以及可以的时间后,确切的日期才会订下来。当晚免费晚餐提供。
    酬谢 来参与的家长可以获得20元小谢礼。
    感兴趣吗? 如果您有兴趣参与这项研究,或者有任何的问题,欢迎致
    电郭崇信教授 或 Dr. Starr

    中文: 郭教授 (Dr. Kuo) at (519) 253-3000 ext. (转) 2238

    email: benkuo@uwindsor.ca

    英文: Dr. Elizabeth Starr at (519) 253-3000 ext. (转) 3836
    email: estarr@uwindsor.ca

    Do you have a child with an autism spectrum disorder who has been to kindergarten in the last 2 or 3 years?
    What: We are looking for Mandarin speaking parents of children with autism spectrum disorders living in the Greater Toronto Area who have been through the kindergarten entrance process in the last 2 or 3 years to participate in a focus group discussion with other Mandarin speaking parents who have also been through the process. We would like to find out about what worked for you, and any difficulties that you encountered during this transition to school. The focus group will be done in Mandarin.
    Who: This research is being done by Dr. Elizabeth Starr in the Faculty of Education, and Dr. Ben Kuo in the Department of Psychology (both at University of Windsor, and Dr. Tanya Martini in the Department of Psychology at Brock University and has been approved by the Research Ethics Board at University of Windsor.
    Where: TBA.
    When: One evening in March or April beginning at 6:15 pm. (Dinner will be provided). A specific day and time will be established once we know people’s availability. The group will last for 2 hours.
    Honorarium: A small honorarium of $20 will be given to parents for their participation parking fees will be covered.
    Interested?: If you think you might be interested in participating in this research, or have any questions please contact either Dr. Kuo at (519) 253-3000 x 2238 or email: benkuo@uwindsor.ca (should you wish to speak in Mandarin), or Dr. Elizabeth Starr at (519) 253-3000 x3836 or email: estarr@uwindsor.ca (if you wish to speak in English)

    We look forward to hearing from you!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net