


2021年1月1日入住半独立屋的地下室整层(2房1厅,独立洗手间;独立厨房);独立的洗衣房;分门出入;包水,电,网络;有冷气(空调))和暖气;暂无车位(具体再商量)。半独立屋位于北约克 (NORTH YORK)Sheppard Ave. East and Victoria Park Ave. 十字路口。房子朝向:朝南。交通便利。步行一分钟可到达公共交通站85路等。85路公交车坐3站左右即可到达北约克的DON MILLS 地铁终点站和FAIRVIEW MALL SHOPPING CENTER大型西人商场。那里也是各路公交车的终点站。步行3分钟到达西人超市FOOD BASICS和WINNERS 商店;步行7分钟左右到达华人超市(鸿泰超市);步行4-5分钟到达西人超市SHOPPERS DRUGMART; 日常买菜或采购日常用品非常方便;不需要开车 步行就可以到达各大超市和银行。 步行3分钟到达BMO, CIBC银行; 步行2分钟到达SCOTIA银行; 步行6分钟到达TD银行。 步行2分钟到达GOODLIFE FITNESS (健身房);步行13分钟左右可到达Fairview mall shopping center 大型西人商场。位于几大高速公路出入口。 有简单的配套家具。欢迎单身,有固定工作的,不养宠物,不吸烟,不醉酒,无不良嗜好的正当人士入住。入住日期为:2021年1月1日。租期要求:至少10个月左右。 不提供少于10个月的短期住宿。搬进搬出既麻烦也不安全。如果您只想住几个月的,请不要浪费时间打我电话了。 非诚勿扰。 谢谢。有意者请联系:. 请打电话或者发短消息联系。请不要发电子邮件给我, 因为不查看电子邮件。 谢谢。

rent start date(move in date): Jan. 1st, 2021 ;  in the basement of the semi-detached house of the entire basement (2 bedrooms and 1 living room, separate toilet; separate kitchen); separate laundry room; separate entrance and exit; provided with water, electricity, internet; air-conditioning and heating; there is no parking space currently (re-discussed/negotiated if needed). The semi-detached house is located at the intersection of Sheppard Ave. East and Victoria Park Ave. in North York. Transportation is very convenient. One minute walk to public transportation station No. 85 etc. ; take Bus No. 85 about 3 stops to reach the DON MILLS subway terminal station in North York and the FAIRVIEW MALL SHOPPING CENTER (a large shopping mall).  There is also the terminal of various buses at the Don Mills Subway station. 3 minutes walk to  FOOD BASICS and WINNERS; 7 minutes walk to Chinese supermarket (Hongtai supermarket); 4-5 minutes walk to SHOPPERS DRUGMART; daily grocery shopping or purchase of daily necessities is very convenient; Without taking any bus or driving, you can walk and reach major supermarkets and banks. 3 minutes walk to BMO, CIBC Banks; 2 minutes walk to SCOTIA Bank; 6 minutes walk to TD Bank. 2 minutes walk to the GOODLIFE FITNESS (gym); 13 minutes walk to the Fairview mall shopping center (a large shopping mall) and library. in addition, this semidetached house is located at the entrance of several major highways; it is easy to go onto the highways. There are some simple furniture. Singles, regular employees (fixed stable job), students; no pets, no smoking, no drunk, no kids, and no bad habits are welcome. Move in date(rental start date): Jan. 1st, 2021. Lease requirement: at least 10 months or longer. Short-term accommodation (less than 10 months) is not considered because moving in and out so frequency is troublesome and unsafe. If you only want to stay for a few months, please DO NOT waste time contacting me. Thank you. Interested parties please contact: 647-712-5868. Please call or send a short message to contact. Please don't email me because I don't check the email. Thank you.