


1.Why might it be unwise to determine whether an object is - or
is not - null by comparing (assumption: with triple-equal
equality operator) the value returned by typeof operator when
used on the object to the string ‘object’?
Consider the following code example:

If(typeof myobj===’object’){


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 学科技术 / 问个Javascript的问题:
    1.Why might it be unwise to determine whether an object is - or
    is not - null by comparing (assumption: with triple-equal
    equality operator) the value returned by typeof operator when
    used on the object to the string ‘object’?
    Consider the following code example:

    If(typeof myobj===’object’){

    • 现学现卖。'object' 不是null独用的,不是null也会出这个结果。
    • 因为 console.log( typeof null ), output 'object'