

非常感谢!看到这句话:"If you have been a permanent resident for less than five years, you must show that you will be able to meet the residency obligation within five years of the date you became a permanent resident." 不知道进海关时,会不会被问问题?


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 移民问题:父母第一个五年回中国,再入境的问题。先谢了!
    • 没有问题,移民监的计算方式是,任意时间倒推5年(成为PR不到5年,自成为PR之日计算),离开加拿大不超过3年。所以你父母进加拿大没有任何问题。
      • 非常感谢!看到这句话:"If you have been a permanent resident for less than five years, you must show that you will be able to meet the residency obligation within five years of the date you became a permanent resident." 不知道进海关时,会不会被问问题?
        • 很明显啊,你父母符合自成为永久居民之日起,5年内可以住满2年的要求,因为5年内离境才2年多。