


Former interim Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairwoman Donna Brazile
accused top Clinton campaign aides of treating her like a slave, recalling
in her upcoming memoir how she told them that she would not stand to be
treated as their "whipping girl".

The excerpt from "Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns
That Put Donald Trump in the White House,” was reported on Saturday by The
Washington Post, which obtained an advance copy of the book.

In the memoir, Brazile recounted an exchange with Charlie Baker, Marlon
Marshall and Dennis Cheng — all senior staffers on Hillary Clinton's
campaign — in which she said she was being treated like a character from
the film "12 Years a Slave."

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 希拉里竞选团队里有种族分子 +2
    Former interim Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairwoman Donna Brazile
    accused top Clinton campaign aides of treating her like a slave, recalling
    in her upcoming memoir how she told them that she would not stand to be
    treated as their "whipping girl".

    The excerpt from "Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns
    That Put Donald Trump in the White House,” was reported on Saturday by The
    Washington Post, which obtained an advance copy of the book.

    In the memoir, Brazile recounted an exchange with Charlie Baker, Marlon
    Marshall and Dennis Cheng — all senior staffers on Hillary Clinton's
    campaign — in which she said she was being treated like a character from
    the film "12 Years a Slave."
    • 这里也不少,又能怎么样? +3
      • 左左基本都是种族分子。 +7
        • 贼喊捉贼,天天反MSL 的是些什么人? +3
          • 反MSL这个歧视女性歧视同性恋的团体没什么不对。你要是觉得你被歧视了大家其实都很理解 +6
            • MSL 是个团体吗?你怎么不反中国啊,中国政治局常委没女人的,中国女人比男人早退休,中国男人打老婆警察也不管,只要别打伤打死了,歧视女人再明显不过了。 +3
              • MSL 不是团体?难道是个体。你的弱智兄弟呢。 +6
                • 这智商,华人跟华人团体是一回事吗? +4
          • MSL 不是种族 +1
    • 不错,希拉里团队终于反击了,不过希拉里本人还没有任何回应,看这群大小骗子们这么互相咬,实在是太开心了,好戏才刚刚开始。。 +6