


So it was to try to promote the understanding that these so-called protective laws more often than not ended up restricting what women could do, sparing men’s jobs from women’s competition — so how to say that in a polite way to get across the picture, that was a challenge.


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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 请教,这短句如何理解? spare men’s jobs from women’s competition,谢谢。
    整个句子是:So it was to try to promote the understanding that these so-called protective laws more often than not ended up restricting what women could do, sparing men’s jobs from women’s competition — so how to say that in a polite way to get across the picture, that was a challenge.
    • 这些所谓的“保护性法律”大多数的时候限制女性的职责,防止女人们竞争男人的工作---挑战是,如何传达这个意思的同时保持礼貌。
      • 哇,你这英文真的好的程度不一般啊,不但说出了我的心声,我模模糊糊猜是这个意思,而且中文翻译的好通顺啊。是专业翻译毕业的吧。:)
        • 夸得我好开心,你还有什么要翻译的,一并发上来我都给你翻了 XD
    • ...
      So it was to try to promote the understanding that these so-called protective laws more often than not ended up restricting what women could do, sparing men’s jobs from women’s competition — so how to say that in a polite way to get across the picture, that was a challenge.
