


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛for "falsely accusing them of discrimination."[6]

Court records showed that "four superintendents or rental agents confirmed that applications sent to the Trump organization's central office for acceptance or rejection were coded by race."[33] A rental agent said Fred Trump had instructed him "not to rent to blacks" and to "decrease the number of black tenants" "by encouraging them to locate housing elsewhere."[33] A consent decree between the DOJ and the TO was signed on June 10, 1975, with both sides claiming victory—the TO for its perceived ability to continue denying rentals to welfare recipients, and the head of DOJ's housing division for the decree being "one of the most far-reaching ever negotiated."[6][33] It personally and corporately prohibited the Trumps from "discriminating against any person in the ... sale or rental of a dwelling," and "required Trump to advertise vacancies in minority papers, promote minorities to professional jobs, and list vacancies on a preferential basis with the Open Housing Center of the Urban League."[33] Finally, it ordered the Trumps to "thoroughly acquaint themselves personally on a detailed basis with ... the Fair Housing Act of 1968."[6][34]

Wealth and estate
Trump appeared on the initial Forbes 400 list of richest Americans in 1982 with an estimated $200 million fortune shared with his son Donald.[35] In 1976, Trump had set up trust funds of $1 million for each of his five children and three grandchildren ($4.3 million in 2017 dollars), that paid out yearly dividends.[36] By 1993, the siblings' anticipated shares of Trump's estate amounted to $35 million each.[37][36] Upon Trump's death in 1999, his will divided $20 million after taxes among his surviving children.[36][38][39]

In October 2018, The New York Times published an exposé drawing on more than 100,000 pages of tax returns and financial records from Trump's businesses, and interviews with former advisers and employees. The Times concluded that his son Donald "was a millionaire by age 8,"[40] and that he had received $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from Fred's business empire over his lifetime.[41] According to the Times, Trump loaned at least $60 million to his son, who largely failed to reimburse him.[40] The paper also described a number of purportedly fraudulent tax schemes, for example when Trump sold shares in Trump Palace condos to his son well below their purchase price, thus masking what could be considered a hidden donation, and benefiting from a tax write-off.[41] Donald Trump's lawyer denied the allegations of fraud and tax evasion, while the New York tax department stated they would investigate the issue.[42]更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 川普其实就是个很普通的人。当然啦,品行比普通人低些,智商跟大家差不多。 +7




    • 股市中巴菲特投资远超过平均值,前20年平均收益25%。40年前的巴菲特有1000万资金,当时川普是巴菲特的100倍。现在巴菲特是川普的20多倍。前者叫股神,后者是草包。 +4
      • 要不你赛下身价。。 +1
        • 拼爹,我们都不如川普。但是拿着父母的钱,有能力经营40年超过原值的人,会有很多。 +3
      • 40年前没从老爸手里拿到一分钱做事业。40年后我的资产达到5000加元。增值无穷多倍!💴💴💴💴💴 🤣 +6
        • 眼神不好,看成五千万了
    • 选总统又不是选股神科学神。俺需要一个维护俺权益的总统省长,股神科学神们可以去做具体工作。当听见床老头喊出MAGA的时候,俺就知道他一定会当选的。 +2
      • 川普减税,其实受益的不是中产和底层。美国经济落后地区支持川普,其实那些地方在经济增长中受益依旧最低。川普确实在维护富豪的利益,也确实压低加拿大,维护美国的利益。但是这些好像不包括你吧。 +3
        • 富豪的利益当然要维护。没有富豪,谁来创造就业机会? +1
          • 你可真伟大 +3
            • Nothing about me. Just common sense. +2
              • 喔,你们非同寻常百姓。。。 +1
                • 如果政府不尊重纳税人,纳税人就很难响应政府的号召为社会多做贡献。 +1
                  • 像瘡蹼那样偷税漏税逃税的? +1
                    • No idea about Trump. But rich people can choose to invest in a more rewarding place. Everyone is looking for profit.
                      • 假瘡粉, 鉴定完毕。所以米国的企业都在第三世界投资建厂包括瘡家自己,所以才有全球化。。。人为财死, 鸟为食亡。。。
                        • 对啊,所以Trump要减税,把投资吸引回去。 +1
                          • 那还怎么赚钱? 瘡家在米国以外有130多处生意,回米国了几个? 税是借口, 劳动力低成本是真正原因。 +1
                            • There are many factors affecting investment decisions, and tax is an important one. So far, we can see that the Trump gov is trying its best to bring back overseas investments. +2
                              • 天方夜谭。。。先把自己家的搬回去吧。。。 +2
              • 每个人的利益都要维护,但是川普用中产的钱维护富豪利益 +3
                • 中产都跑去吃救济了,哪里来的钱? +1
                  • 对啊,富豪的钱从哪里赚?最后大家都玩完,这就是为富不仁的代价,华人都不喜欢给华人打工,不知道是不是楼上的common sense?当奴才都当到给牺牲自己给富豪送钱common sense 也不容易 +4
                    • 我是说globalization造成企业外迁,工作流失,中产连饭钱都没有地方挣,哪里有油水给你榨来去维护富豪利益。 +4
                      • 看看过去20年,中产工资涨了多少?通胀多少?富豪资产涨了多少?
                        • 中产的衰微是左中右的共识,也是西方发达国家共同面对的难题,不知道你要想说明什么。 +2
                          • 我想说的是川普上台加速了这个趋势
                            • What trend?
                • 中产税率20%,富豪30%。什么叫“用中产的钱”? +2
                  • 都是民主党学习班出来的,应该学委内瑞拉,消灭富豪。 +1
                    • 你想多了,绝大部分不发达国家都是贫富不均的国家 +1
                      • 世界上所有国家都是贫富不均的国家。均贫富的口号是用来欺骗愚民的。 +2
                        • 你大概不懂什么是相对吧,世界上生活质量好的国家都是基尼指数很低的国家 +1
                          • 你可以说贫富差别严重,但是不可以说贫富不均。这是两回事。前者可以改善,后者是永远不变的社会客观常态。 +1
                            • 文字游戏你自己玩吧 +2
                  • 知道富豪有多少避税的手段吗?中产有吗?巴菲特比他的员工还要少税,而川普给这些富豪带来多少利润?这是简单的税率问题吗?这是社会公平问题,那么喜欢弱肉强食,为什么不去中国? +1
                    • 如果富豪真的有很多避税的手段,那税率高到90%又有什么意义?事实上,首先,高税率是不公平的,其次,税率越高,越驱使纳税人避税。没人愿意当冤大头。 +1
                      • 难道税率低就不偷稅?LOL +2
                        • 偷税是有成本有代价的。当税率低到偷税得不偿失的时候,谁愿意偷税? +1
                          • 不交税就没有偷税,是吧?胡扯 +2
    • 特地查了一下,美国40年前的10亿,购买力相当于现在的大概40亿。
      • 我开始知道世界首富的时候听到他的资产60亿美元都吓到了,现在的首富身家多少。
    • 罗斯福的孙子不知道在干什么。里根的儿子也不知道在干什么。这也能拿来砸人? +3
      • 您这是逻辑不通,人家罗斯福的孙子或里跟的儿子做什么关你何事?他们又没有竞选总统有一圈脑残粉吹嘘懂business,这里有人提过吗?要不是这帖子,您以前想到过他们几次?谢谢 +4
    • 川普是个超人,16年选举,他面对天时地利人和的希拉里,而且强大的媒体一边倒,孤身一人竟然赢了。这种奇迹不是普通人能做到的。有不服的可以2020年和川普比试比试,你就能明白自己和川普比有多么渺小,川普多么强大了。 +8
      • 成王败寇嘛,懂。 +2
      • 以现在台上的表现,谁参选都能2020赢川普,不信到时候翻本贴做证。 +2
        • 我是觉得民主党和共和党目前都还没有一个可以提得出来和川普对决的人物。 +1
    • 造谣麻烦你也费点心呢。你凭空捏造些数字得出个毫无道理的结论是为了证明自己智商低呢还是脸皮厚呢?自己到网上搜搜Trump他爹到底有多少钱,互联网的时代你这种上嘴唇擎天下嘴唇柱地的忽悠行不通的。 +21
      • 看上去很激动的样子。。。 +7
    • 川普和巴菲特的区别在于,一个是做实业创造了无数就业机会,另一个是华尔街的吸血鬼在金融市场喝无数人的血。 +10
    • 照楼主的逻辑,范冰冰就是国家精神铸造者,袁隆平就是草包呗。 +9
    • 又来一个看不起川普的!我说能不能先别造谣啦? +4
      • 楼顶的自己先说,创造过几个工作职位。不会是还在吃社会福利吧? +2
    • 你这数字不知道从哪里来的,一看就是不可能的,有钱的肯定会更有钱。从WIKI上看,他爹留下了几千万给5个子女. 1982年的时候TRUMP跟他老爹加起来两个亿 +1
      Trump is the beneficiary of several trust funds set up by his father and paternal grandmother beginning in 1949.[81] In 1976, Fred Trump set up trust funds of $1 million for each of his five children and three grandchildren ($4.3 million in 2017 dollars). Donald Trump received annual payments from his trust fund, for example, $90,000 in 1980 and $214,605 in 1981.[81] By 1993, when Trump took two loans totaling $30 million from his siblings, their anticipated shares of Fred's estate amounted to $35 million each.[82][81] Upon Fred Trump's death in 1999, his will divided $20 million after taxes among his surviving children.[81][83][84]
      • 掐头去尾的,转点Wiki的东西。删去对自己不利的部分,是为了通过撒谎让自己看起来好一点吗?这里是全文 +5
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛for "falsely accusing them of discrimination."[6]

        Court records showed that "four superintendents or rental agents confirmed that applications sent to the Trump organization's central office for acceptance or rejection were coded by race."[33] A rental agent said Fred Trump had instructed him "not to rent to blacks" and to "decrease the number of black tenants" "by encouraging them to locate housing elsewhere."[33] A consent decree between the DOJ and the TO was signed on June 10, 1975, with both sides claiming victory—the TO for its perceived ability to continue denying rentals to welfare recipients, and the head of DOJ's housing division for the decree being "one of the most far-reaching ever negotiated."[6][33] It personally and corporately prohibited the Trumps from "discriminating against any person in the ... sale or rental of a dwelling," and "required Trump to advertise vacancies in minority papers, promote minorities to professional jobs, and list vacancies on a preferential basis with the Open Housing Center of the Urban League."[33] Finally, it ordered the Trumps to "thoroughly acquaint themselves personally on a detailed basis with ... the Fair Housing Act of 1968."[6][34]

        Wealth and estate
        Trump appeared on the initial Forbes 400 list of richest Americans in 1982 with an estimated $200 million fortune shared with his son Donald.[35] In 1976, Trump had set up trust funds of $1 million for each of his five children and three grandchildren ($4.3 million in 2017 dollars), that paid out yearly dividends.[36] By 1993, the siblings' anticipated shares of Trump's estate amounted to $35 million each.[37][36] Upon Trump's death in 1999, his will divided $20 million after taxes among his surviving children.[36][38][39]

        In October 2018, The New York Times published an exposé drawing on more than 100,000 pages of tax returns and financial records from Trump's businesses, and interviews with former advisers and employees. The Times concluded that his son Donald "was a millionaire by age 8,"[40] and that he had received $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from Fred's business empire over his lifetime.[41] According to the Times, Trump loaned at least $60 million to his son, who largely failed to reimburse him.[40] The paper also described a number of purportedly fraudulent tax schemes, for example when Trump sold shares in Trump Palace condos to his son well below their purchase price, thus masking what could be considered a hidden donation, and benefiting from a tax write-off.[41] Donald Trump's lawyer denied the allegations of fraud and tax evasion, while the New York tax department stated they would investigate the issue.[42]更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 这种黑材料夸张的很多,里面有些数字又用的是现在的价值。即使如此,也到不了你说的“在经商方面,他爹给了他10亿美元”,“10亿美金的遗产,给了川普光”。 +1
          • Wiki很多地方也不太敢说实话,因为有法律责任。川普爹最后剩下2000万给他们分,是转移了财产之后的余额。川普家族通过这种财产转移,偷税5亿多美元。所以我说川普实际到手是10亿。
            • 你如果相信的话,你对钱的认识是很低级的。简单的说,生意在经营,资产的增值率是不会低于股市的。美国股市40年增长了10倍。 +1
              • 你认识比我们大家高,你来讲讲,苹果,谷歌,脸书,特斯拉,他们资本增值了多少倍。那些是经营天才,川普也就是个普通人水平。 +3
              • 没有关门倒闭半死不活之类的 +2
    • 读了个标题,没看内容,但这种文章一般都是说希拉里和奥巴马2人智商品行显然比一般人低,这种玩法叫高级黑 +2
    • trump总统的智商与能力,一般人,一般的总统无法与之相比。今天被土耳其绑架的人质回国,美国政府没有花一份钱。 +1
      • 川普很浑,但是他deliver。链接里的文章结论你可以不同意,但是例证并不是瞎编的: +2