

和 yoga2(黑巧克力) 同学交流一下抓拍的对焦

In the following several shooting situations, it's better to use only one auto-focus point, which is the center.  What you will do is to point at the object figure that you want to shoot, half-press the shutter, then frame the whole picture and fully press down the shutter.









Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 摄影艺术 / 和 yoga2(黑巧克力) 同学交流一下抓拍的对焦

    In the following several shooting situations, it's better to use only one auto-focus point, which is the center.  What you will do is to point at the object figure that you want to shoot, half-press the shutter, then frame the whole picture and fully press down the shutter.








    • 赞老大的热心,细致,认真,严谨!
    • 这个先对焦再构图的方式只实用于静态物体或者移动很慢的物体,否则等你构完图,被摄物已经不在焦点上了。对于快速移动的物体,一般用追焦或者陷阱对焦。
      • Could you explain a bit more about 追焦 and 陷阱对焦? Thanks!
        • 最简单的的追焦就是相机上选择连续对焦模式,选着单点对焦,选好对焦点,然后半按快门,移动相机,让对焦点始终对准被摄物体,这个时候相机会连续追踪物体对焦,等到想要的画面时再按下快门成像。
          • This is similar what I said earlier... :) If the camera has such a feature.
        • 追焦,英文叫panning,
        • 陷阱对焦,不是所有的相机都有这个功能。这个是你先对某个位置对焦,设置好陷阱模式,等被摄物体出现在这个位置的时候,相机自动按下快门,不用手动按快门。
      • 老大那几张图的场景用先对焦再构图也够了,不是拍摄诸如体育比赛的话,用不到追焦,毕竟追焦又快又准的相机也不便宜啊
    • 提高抓怕质量最简单有效的方法就是:多拍!打开连拍,一个场景连续拍4-5张,基本上能选出一张满意的 +2