

other people’s acceptances do not require ur approval, this is called freedom. if u r not able to understand, either keep it to urself or point it out politely. the way u spoke was violent,totally!


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 张口闭口管一个猪头叫"大大"的,是个什么心态?尊敬?崇拜?人家都称了帝,奴才们除了跪安,也配管主子为“大大”??还有,这个是按年龄排论辈份么?不是“爷爷”??某些中国人的思维,真是难以理解 +11
    • 敏感词了!现在网上叫刁大大。 +2
      • 不如改一下吧,Papa Pig +2
    • is this not a verbal violence?水手,where are you? +23
      • Where is the violence? BTW, why is it so hard to accept the truth?? +12
        • other people’s acceptances do not require ur approval, this is called freedom. if u r not able to understand, either keep it to urself or point it out politely. the way u spoke was violent,totally! +3
          • Then why do you think I am not entitled to my freedom?? BTW, I think the way you are talking is a bully to me. +4
            • because nobody’s freedom should never allow harassing the others. I called Mr. Xi “大大” this morning,what did u mean by “奴才” & by “配”? +1
              • 叫“大大”是你的专利么?就许你叫“大大”??
                • not my patent and a very simple logic: u have ur every freedom to call whatever name on Mr. Xi,but u do not have any rights to insult people who call him “大大”,period. +2
                  • I did not name any of the IDs here, so you cannot even claim that I have insulted anyone. I am speaking the truth: whoever voluntarily submits to and further admires a master should be called a lackey. +5
                    • then answer the question above,what did u mean by “奴才” & “配” in your post?... +1
                      truth? what a joke! it is your OPINION only and I’d like to deliver my opinion politely: expressing should always be 2nd to respecting on any public forum,Rolia included.
                      • 分享一段话:Freedom of speech is the ultimate in humanity, It harbors no enemies, no agenda, no hatred nor love. It reveals all truths, all lies. It can offend and be offensive. +4
                        • so,u admitted that u were offending? +1
                          • Save it. Pathetic.
                      • 假如我的言论没有违反法律,也没有违反版规,那么我的言论就是允许的。我并未有干涉你的言论表达自由,你也无权干涉我的言论表达自由。 +3
                        • again,你有言论自由,但你不能没来由的用言语冒犯我。我不干涉你的言论自由,但我对冒犯零容忍。 +2
                          • 请引用法律,或版规,其他的,纯属是扯淡。欢迎拉黑,看不见就不心烦了。 +3
                            • there is civic morality before regulations & laws,hope u’ve heard of it. +1
                              • U talking about "civic"? "morality"?? "laws"??? Every day, your Papa Pig is violating the Constitution, the LAW in China! Every day, your Papa Pig is violating the Civil Rights of the Chinese people. Where is your Papa Pig's "morality"??? PATHETIC. +3
                                • r u trying to blend this debate? the matter here was the words that you had chosen in ur topic. since u demand higher standard of civic morality,why not take actions upon it? how Xi Dada operates China is outside of the scope...
                                  • How about bacon??
      • 他属于特殊津贴的党代表 +12
      • 唉,在秃子面前说光头,真是无法容忍的语言暴力啊 +6
    • 大大在江浙部分地区是爷爷的方言称呼。跟孩子叫而已。你们不是也叫这里的站长老大吗? +10
      • “老大”=“大大”? 甚呵呵。还有,我很好奇为什么没有尊称希特勒为“希爷爷”的?? +3
        • 老大当然比大大厉害。那是黑社会。 +9
      • 嗯,“大大”这种叫法各地有不同习俗和解读,如果搁在某省某地,可能有不同所指的,俺就知道湘南有的地方就有把姐姐喊成“大大”的...楼上说什么希爷爷,估计那是把一国文化习俗套用于各国吧? +6
        • 真的吗?那“爹亲娘亲不如毛主席亲”又是哪国的习俗
        • 给变性成姐姐?这个有些凌乱。“大大”,在北方一些地方是“爹”的意思,比如广场舞大妈们的流行曲一首就有“X大大爱着P麻麻“。。。就算是真的尊重一个人,也不至于叫爹啊,这个不是头脑又问题是什么? +3
      • 我不知怎么一直记得这个习大大是“习伯伯”的意思。可能陕北那边这么叫? +4
        • 你不是说你们那里一直这么叫,怎么又“记得”? +1
      • 别住江浙靠,江浙从来没有在拍马屁方面领先过
        • 哈哈哈😄说实话,这个马屁拍的真叫无耻,完全没有底线 +2
          • 天天叫习大大没用,叫几声老大可就是能不删贴。 +1
      • 一声的大和四声的大完全不是一回事。
    • 如果在粤语区,叫习总就阴功鸟。。
    • 一声的大在绝大多数地方就是爸的意思,不知道的千万别乱叫。 +1