

【视频】福克斯名嘴炮轰美国名校:官二代就这么多天才?———慷他人之慨总是很容易,尤其这个他人是华人的时候。。。民主党人说,Why not?


Tucker Carlson是福克斯新闻的王牌主持人,地位堪比Hannity,他的时政访谈节目在美国家喻户晓,收视率稳居前三。








比如Al Gore,四个孩子全部进了哈佛。Tucker说这种概率相当于一个人不但被雷劈,而且每天一次,连续一年不断!

或许Tucker有点夸张,但是一家四个孩子全部进哈佛肯定不多见,Al Gore就这么教子有方吗?



Tucker说这其实属于低级犯罪,真正的高手是这些政客们,跟名校勾结在一起,权钱交易,把纳税人的钱几亿几亿地送出去,然后自己的孩子光明正大地被名校接收。别人还说不出什么来,因为招生都是保密的,谁也不知道Al Gore的孩子到底多优秀,才能四个孩子全部进哈佛。




Part 1:

Part 2:


If you've ever watched Chris Cuomo on CNN, you may have wondered: how did this guy get a TV show? Sure, he's got well-defined abdominal muscles, and good for him. But he can barely speak English. There are nights when Cuomo emits entire paragraphs that mean nothing at all. Just pure gibberish, like pig Latin, or dogs barking. It's remarkable. Was this guy educated in the United States? Let's check Wikipedia. Wait it a second. The entry says that Chris Cuomo went to Yale University in Connecticut. That can't be right. Yale has famously high admissions standards. Your kids couldn't get in. No chance. They'd have to be incredibly smart — geniuses, really. Is Chris Cuomo a secret genius? Does he have some amazing talent that's invisible on TV? Maybe he speaks flawless Urdu? Or has a deep grounding in particle physics? Or can calculate pi to the final digit? Actually, no. Chris Cuomo can't do any of that.

It turns out that he has an even more impressive qualification: His father was the governor of New York. If you want to get into a top American college, it's best to have a parent who's a well-known Democratic politician. That's the most effective credential of all.

Don't take our word for it. Ask Dante DeBlasio, son of Bill DeBlasio, the incompetent mayor of New York. There's no evidence the younger DeBlasio did remarkably well in high school. And yet, like Chris Cuomo, he somehow got into Yale

Once there, Dante DeBlasio found himself surrounded by people just like himself: the thoroughly average children of other prominent liberals. According to press reports, That would include the offspring of at least three Democrats currently-serving in the U.S. Senate: Michael Bennett, Amy Klobuchar, and Sheldon Whitehouse. All of them sent kids to Yale.

Their colleague Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, meanwhile, is one of a stunning number of Senate Democrats who've sent children Harvard. Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey is a Harvard parent. So is Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer. Schumer sent both his kids to Harvard. Barack Obama sent one of his. So did former New York governor Eliot Spitzer.

The all-time record, though, must go to former Vice President Al Gore. Gore sent four. Imagine that: Four kids in a row to Harvard. What are the odds of that occurring in nature? Statistically, it's about as likely as being hit by lightning every single day for a year. Yet somehow the Gore family pulled it off. Congratulations

Andrew Cuomo, the sitting governor of New York, sent one of his kids to Harvard, but the other two went to Brown. That's also an Ivy League university that your kids could never get into. Brown is, as they say, “highly selective,” at least for the children of non-politicians.

But for pure, 200-proof exclusivity, nothing beats Stanford University outside San Francisco. You could live your entire life in this country and never meet a single person who went to Stanford. It's that rarified. And yet here's the amazing part: Hillary Clinton's daughter breezed right in. How did Chelsea do that? Was it her formidable brainpower? Check out her Twitter feed, and judge for yourself.

Now, there's a chance that Chelsea is intentionally misleading us. It's possible that her entire public persona is performance art — a subversive, Borat-style parody of mindless lifestyle liberalism. If that's the case, Chelsea Clinton is utterly brilliant. She's the Jonathan Swift of our time. But it's also possible that Chelsea isn't joking at all.

It is possible, indeed even probable, that she is every bit as dull and self-serious as she seems. In that case, not only is Chelsea Clinton profoundly sub-brilliant, you've got to wonder how she holds a paying job. How did someone like that get into Stanford?

You might have the same question about some of the kids at Georgetown University, here in Washington. Georgetown's alumni magazine is available online, so the next time you've got a minute, take a look. You'll recognize many of the names: Biden, Pelosi, Kennedy. These are the children of famous Democratic politicians. Are they impressive, hardworking kids who deserve to be at one of America's most prestigious universities? Possibly. Maybe some of them. Maybe not.

That's irrelevant. They're the offspring of prominent Democrats. That's why they're at Georgetown. How does this happen? It happens because our meritocracy is a sham. It's fake. They tell you that only the most accomplished students get into these schools. They're lying. Their friends’ kids get first dibs. Fellow members of their social circle. Kids whose families can help them down the road. The children of sympathetic politicians are an obvious priority for admissions officers. These are the same politicians who funnel many billions in tax dollars to colleges and universities every year. So, letting a senator's kid into Harvard is just smart business. The quid quo pro is obvious. It's a form of unregulated lobbying. Remember the varsity blues scandal in California, where a group of socially-anxious soccer moms tried to game college admissions? Well, this is far more corrupt, except nobody's going to prison for it.

So how many Chris Cuomos get into Yale every year? It would be nice to know, but we don't really know. Like almost everything about higher education, it's opaque. Prestigious schools can pretend they admit only the most qualified applicants because nobody can prove otherwise. The real admissions numbers are secret. They're hidden from public view.

Elite colleges are like public companies that lie about their balance sheets. They're cooking the books to defraud shareholders. In this case, the shareholders are the entire country. A handful of schools form the gateway to success in America. If you go to Harvard, you are all but guaranteed to make more over the course of your life than someone who didn't. It's that simple. When you rig the admissions system, you're rigging American society. You're creating an impenetrable class system for your own benefit. And that's exactly what they're doing.

You often hear progressives say they worry about income inequality. They don't mean it, at all. How do you know? Because if the left really cared about the stratification of American society, they'd make college admissions transparent. They'd force Stanford to open the books and show the rest of us how they're assembling this year's freshman class. That's what they'd do. And yet Democrats in Congress haven't done this. They seem strangely incurious about the process. It's like they don't really want to know how it all works. In fact, they already know precisely how the admissions game works, and they strongly approve. Why wouldn't they? Their kids are befitting from it.


1. 逆境指数,就是改头换面的种族AA,不过有一个办法可以根治

2. 民主党的大撒币运动能掀翻川普吗?

3. 假如天下大乱,你能坚持几天?

4. 川普推出重大移民改革:技术移民激增四倍,亲属移民减半

5. 从喝酒谈民主党与共和党的区别







Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 【视频】福克斯名嘴炮轰美国名校:官二代就这么多天才?———慷他人之慨总是很容易,尤其这个他人是华人的时候。。。民主党人说,Why not? +2

    Tucker Carlson是福克斯新闻的王牌主持人,地位堪比Hannity,他的时政访谈节目在美国家喻户晓,收视率稳居前三。








    比如Al Gore,四个孩子全部进了哈佛。Tucker说这种概率相当于一个人不但被雷劈,而且每天一次,连续一年不断!

    或许Tucker有点夸张,但是一家四个孩子全部进哈佛肯定不多见,Al Gore就这么教子有方吗?



    Tucker说这其实属于低级犯罪,真正的高手是这些政客们,跟名校勾结在一起,权钱交易,把纳税人的钱几亿几亿地送出去,然后自己的孩子光明正大地被名校接收。别人还说不出什么来,因为招生都是保密的,谁也不知道Al Gore的孩子到底多优秀,才能四个孩子全部进哈佛。




    Part 1:

    Part 2:


    If you've ever watched Chris Cuomo on CNN, you may have wondered: how did this guy get a TV show? Sure, he's got well-defined abdominal muscles, and good for him. But he can barely speak English. There are nights when Cuomo emits entire paragraphs that mean nothing at all. Just pure gibberish, like pig Latin, or dogs barking. It's remarkable. Was this guy educated in the United States? Let's check Wikipedia. Wait it a second. The entry says that Chris Cuomo went to Yale University in Connecticut. That can't be right. Yale has famously high admissions standards. Your kids couldn't get in. No chance. They'd have to be incredibly smart — geniuses, really. Is Chris Cuomo a secret genius? Does he have some amazing talent that's invisible on TV? Maybe he speaks flawless Urdu? Or has a deep grounding in particle physics? Or can calculate pi to the final digit? Actually, no. Chris Cuomo can't do any of that.

    It turns out that he has an even more impressive qualification: His father was the governor of New York. If you want to get into a top American college, it's best to have a parent who's a well-known Democratic politician. That's the most effective credential of all.

    Don't take our word for it. Ask Dante DeBlasio, son of Bill DeBlasio, the incompetent mayor of New York. There's no evidence the younger DeBlasio did remarkably well in high school. And yet, like Chris Cuomo, he somehow got into Yale

    Once there, Dante DeBlasio found himself surrounded by people just like himself: the thoroughly average children of other prominent liberals. According to press reports, That would include the offspring of at least three Democrats currently-serving in the U.S. Senate: Michael Bennett, Amy Klobuchar, and Sheldon Whitehouse. All of them sent kids to Yale.

    Their colleague Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, meanwhile, is one of a stunning number of Senate Democrats who've sent children Harvard. Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey is a Harvard parent. So is Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer. Schumer sent both his kids to Harvard. Barack Obama sent one of his. So did former New York governor Eliot Spitzer.

    The all-time record, though, must go to former Vice President Al Gore. Gore sent four. Imagine that: Four kids in a row to Harvard. What are the odds of that occurring in nature? Statistically, it's about as likely as being hit by lightning every single day for a year. Yet somehow the Gore family pulled it off. Congratulations

    Andrew Cuomo, the sitting governor of New York, sent one of his kids to Harvard, but the other two went to Brown. That's also an Ivy League university that your kids could never get into. Brown is, as they say, “highly selective,” at least for the children of non-politicians.

    But for pure, 200-proof exclusivity, nothing beats Stanford University outside San Francisco. You could live your entire life in this country and never meet a single person who went to Stanford. It's that rarified. And yet here's the amazing part: Hillary Clinton's daughter breezed right in. How did Chelsea do that? Was it her formidable brainpower? Check out her Twitter feed, and judge for yourself.

    Now, there's a chance that Chelsea is intentionally misleading us. It's possible that her entire public persona is performance art — a subversive, Borat-style parody of mindless lifestyle liberalism. If that's the case, Chelsea Clinton is utterly brilliant. She's the Jonathan Swift of our time. But it's also possible that Chelsea isn't joking at all.

    It is possible, indeed even probable, that she is every bit as dull and self-serious as she seems. In that case, not only is Chelsea Clinton profoundly sub-brilliant, you've got to wonder how she holds a paying job. How did someone like that get into Stanford?

    You might have the same question about some of the kids at Georgetown University, here in Washington. Georgetown's alumni magazine is available online, so the next time you've got a minute, take a look. You'll recognize many of the names: Biden, Pelosi, Kennedy. These are the children of famous Democratic politicians. Are they impressive, hardworking kids who deserve to be at one of America's most prestigious universities? Possibly. Maybe some of them. Maybe not.

    That's irrelevant. They're the offspring of prominent Democrats. That's why they're at Georgetown. How does this happen? It happens because our meritocracy is a sham. It's fake. They tell you that only the most accomplished students get into these schools. They're lying. Their friends’ kids get first dibs. Fellow members of their social circle. Kids whose families can help them down the road. The children of sympathetic politicians are an obvious priority for admissions officers. These are the same politicians who funnel many billions in tax dollars to colleges and universities every year. So, letting a senator's kid into Harvard is just smart business. The quid quo pro is obvious. It's a form of unregulated lobbying. Remember the varsity blues scandal in California, where a group of socially-anxious soccer moms tried to game college admissions? Well, this is far more corrupt, except nobody's going to prison for it.

    So how many Chris Cuomos get into Yale every year? It would be nice to know, but we don't really know. Like almost everything about higher education, it's opaque. Prestigious schools can pretend they admit only the most qualified applicants because nobody can prove otherwise. The real admissions numbers are secret. They're hidden from public view.

    Elite colleges are like public companies that lie about their balance sheets. They're cooking the books to defraud shareholders. In this case, the shareholders are the entire country. A handful of schools form the gateway to success in America. If you go to Harvard, you are all but guaranteed to make more over the course of your life than someone who didn't. It's that simple. When you rig the admissions system, you're rigging American society. You're creating an impenetrable class system for your own benefit. And that's exactly what they're doing.

    You often hear progressives say they worry about income inequality. They don't mean it, at all. How do you know? Because if the left really cared about the stratification of American society, they'd make college admissions transparent. They'd force Stanford to open the books and show the rest of us how they're assembling this year's freshman class. That's what they'd do. And yet Democrats in Congress haven't done this. They seem strangely incurious about the process. It's like they don't really want to know how it all works. In fact, they already know precisely how the admissions game works, and they strongly approve. Why wouldn't they? Their kids are befitting from it.


    1. 逆境指数,就是改头换面的种族AA,不过有一个办法可以根治

    2. 民主党的大撒币运动能掀翻川普吗?

    3. 假如天下大乱,你能坚持几天?

    4. 川普推出重大移民改革:技术移民激增四倍,亲属移民减半

    5. 从喝酒谈民主党与共和党的区别






    • “右派”至少在相当程度上知行如一,心口一致。佩洛西反对强化边界防范,但是自己的住宅却是高墙大院。希拉里反对对重罪犯克以重刑,但是自己或者家人,却绝不会涉足罪犯肆虐的地区。过去一二十年间,“左派”在吸食民脂民膏上不次于右派,但是因为虚伪而更加恶劣。 +3
      • 左派就是低端人群的代言人
        • 左派以前是低端人群的代言人,如切。格瓦纳那样的人物。现在左派只是借着替穷人代言而行帮富人敛财的职能。 +1
        • 是利用弱势。 +1
      • 看来左派和远程爱国者高度重叠是有原因的。都坐在远处吹嘘非法移民、罪犯、共产党、专制如何合理如何值得宽恕,反正他们远远的是不会受到这些东西的负面影响的,还能捞到好处,何乐而不为?相比之下孔庆东都算好的。 +1
    • 刚好看到这一条关于左左大腕钻税法空子的新闻,拿来给你抬轿子。Biden 当然没有违法,但是“和人民心连心”不过是嘴上说说而已: +1
      • 赶脚Biden这兄弟脑子不大够用。前两天接受采访说:如果是我和奥巴马看着,俄罗斯就没办法干涉美国大选。问题是2016年的选举,不就是他和奥巴马当政吗?大喊大叫说川普通俄,俄罗斯干涉美国大选的也是他们。这不是自扇嘴巴嘛? +5
      • 这些人不是富二代,就是官二代,高高在上,哪能真的关心底层人民?做个姿态,表演一下,秀秀演技,就算不错了。
    • 哎呀,这个现在才看出来么?,明显的事,只不过现在才有一个人说出来而已
      • 潜规则。。。大家可以做,但不能说