


China has an old fable story "Mr. Dong Guo and Zhongshan Wolf". Mr. DG saved the wolf's life, but later he was almost eaten by the wolf. Finally, a farmer made an idea to save DG’s life.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / china misroutes domestic US Internet traffic through China Telecom - Why do we allow chinese points of presence(POPS) inside the US when they won’t allow US to have any in china? We need to throw their POPS out of our COLO facilities ASAP. +1
    • 这个太吓人了!!!不仅仅美国人知道中国人的信息,中国人也知道美国人的信息,而且抢先知道了!!! +1
    • 中国童话:东郭先生的故事 +1
      China has an old fable story "Mr. Dong Guo and Zhongshan Wolf". Mr. DG saved the wolf's life, but later he was almost eaten by the wolf. Finally, a farmer made an idea to save DG’s life.
    • 将来中美之间鸿雁传书最安全。 +2