

when you set up your company,

you can have different class of share holder e.g. Class A, Class B etc. in the same class (class A), you have to pay share holders same dividends amount, but for different class, you don't have to. therefore you can pay share holder in class B $50K dividends, but $0 for class A. This is what my account told me when I set up my company.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / 自己注册的公司,如果没有其他主要收入,可以从中取出$51,474 dividend tax free?
    • The money has to come from somewhere first before you can dip into it. It is from your company's net profit after corporate tax.
      How much is the corporate tax? Depends. It can be from 15% for qualified small business to 25% for inactive business. To the extend, the money you take home as dividend is NOT tax free. You've already paid tax. There is no loop holes.
      • 是的。tax saving 是个相对概念。相比较从自己公司领工资然后按个人税率来上税而言,divident 可能相对要好一些。但是如你所说,要想得到这个好处,就得放弃借开工资减税的好处,当然开工资就牵涉到CPP/EI等等不可避免的overhead, 除非自己已经是senior。 +1
        • This is actually for my mom...
          here's the situation.
          Im running a side business(besides my full time job), and Im incorporated with my Mom who is a senior(we're all 50% directors). She doesn't have income in Canada. Her pension from China is less than $4000/year.

          I'm not going to take any money from this incorporate, so I was thinking after all the business expenses if she could take out $50k a year as a dividend without having to pay tax.
          • i think you have to pay dividend according to your shares, so you will have to pay yourself too
            • Any other workarounds? Im already at a high margin rate from my fulltime job.
              • 如果有那样高的 revenue, 不妨请一位专职的会计师咨询一下,他们给的建议可能更加准确。
                • 能否分享一下如何选择一个适合我这种情况的会计师?
                  • check your pm
    • 网上说免税分红额度是48000?
    • 文章中说的分红是指投资大企业的 "eligible Canadian dividends", 如果私人小企业,计算gross-up factor有所不同
    • 【借题请教:】这样分 dividend, 要按每个股东的 share 份额给每个人都分,还是专门给某特定“无其他收入”的人分?
      • 这是一个复杂的话题,不是普通人能解答的。 +1
        谁都知道,红利是公司的税后收入,一个家庭可以通过亲属之间的随意分配达到整个家庭的税率最优化。这种家庭税务优化的做法在过去是允许的。从2018年开始,税务局改规则了,对于各种 income split 的猫腻开始严加看管。原则上,夫妻之间平分,退休金的平分还相对宽松一点。家庭的其他成员之间,非退休金收入平分会从严。你真的需要找会计师解读新税法。第一年解读了,以后你就懂了。
      • when you set up your company,
        you can have different class of share holder e.g. Class A, Class B etc. in the same class (class A), you have to pay share holders same dividends amount, but for different class, you don't have to. therefore you can pay share holder in class B $50K dividends, but $0 for class A. This is what my account told me when I set up my company.
        • 谢谢🙏刚开公司时候自己不知道,会计师也没有想到这个。看来要找会计师补改“公司章程”(?)