


Good afternoon,

We have recieved the fecal results for Coco and they have come back negative. This means there are no intestinal parasites at this time. If you have any questions or concerns please give us a call。 Have a great day!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 宠物乖乖 / 昨天请假带猫去做年检(我俩都五六年没时间去做了),
    年轻帅气的医生进,摸摸猫肚子,捋捋猫尾巴,看看猫牙齿,赞一句真是只好猫。吃嘛嘛香否?是?OK啦。先后总共五分钟。 出来结账,一百多大洋。 但就结账这会儿功夫,从另外一个房间独自走出一个眼睛哭的红红的女孩,静静的走出了兽医所。


    • 以前带我家狗看医生,每次感觉都是浪费钱....到老了,哎,几乎每次都要哭.....
    • 没打疫苗吗?我上周刚去的,除了年检,还一针常规和狂犬合并疫苗,一针驱虫针,一次revolution,一共160刀。你的怎么只是检查就100多了? +2
      • Indoor cat 基本不需要打针,那些针是为外出的猫准备的,那些针对猫也不好 +1
      • 打针了,我只是没算进门诊费。还有就是把猫屎拿去化验,今天出了结果,没有寄生虫。
        Good afternoon,

        We have recieved the fecal results for Coco and they have come back negative. This means there are no intestinal parasites at this time. If you have any questions or concerns please give us a call。 Have a great day!
    • 年年检
    • coco自带忧郁气质