

来自推特以及中国的文章 The antibody story to #COVID19 is not simple: 1. Some people w/ infection don't develop much IgG (it's about level,

not just 0|1)
2. People w/ IgG may still spread (not neutralizing) or get reinfected
3. Duration of Ab/protection is unknown (months/yrs?)

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 有研究显示,有些人感染COVID-19后,抗体水平很弱,不能达到某一水平,含IgG(抗体)的人可能仍会扩散(不能中和)或被再次感染。
    • 张文宏说复阳病人不会传染人,病毒是S的。
      • 来自推特以及中国的文章 The antibody story to #COVID19 is not simple: 1. Some people w/ infection don't develop much IgG (it's about level,
        not just 0|1)
        2. People w/ IgG may still spread (not neutralizing) or get reinfected
        3. Duration of Ab/protection is unknown (months/yrs?)
        • 有的省份乱来。上海收治的病人都是至少住满两周才出院的 +1