

小公司可以不给的 (has a payroll in Ontario of at least $2.5 million;)

Qualifying for severance pay

An employee qualifies for severance pay if their employment is severed and they:

have worked for the employer for five or more years (including all the time spent by the employee in employment with the employer, whether continuous or not and whether active or not)


their employer:

has a payroll in Ontario of at least $2.5 million;


severed the employment of 50 or more employees in a six-month period because all or part of the business permanently closed.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 请问,公司可以给提前几个月给WORKING NOTICE TERMINATION LETTER,然后就不给SEVERANCE PAY 吗?
    • 可以
      • 哦, 是合法的了?不用找律师交涉分手费了? +1
        • 具体要看雇佣合同怎么签的~ 你主贴提到的做法是合法的,也是很普遍的存在 +1
    • 不可以,安省有最低一年一周的要求。 +2
      • 小公司可以不给的 (has a payroll in Ontario of at least $2.5 million;)
        Qualifying for severance pay

        An employee qualifies for severance pay if their employment is severed and they:

        have worked for the employer for five or more years (including all the time spent by the employee in employment with the employer, whether continuous or not and whether active or not)


        their employer:

        has a payroll in Ontario of at least $2.5 million;


        severed the employment of 50 or more employees in a six-month period because all or part of the business permanently closed.
        • 哦,研究样本不具体。
        • severance pay跟termination pay不一样。termination pay安省最低规定最低是2周。无论公司大小。
    • 按照安省劳动法大致上是如果员工有几年工龄,只要提前给几周通知或者补同样的工资就合法了。
    • 那个⚠️~ Severance pay is not the same as termination pay, which is given in place of the required notice of termination of employment. +1
    • google一下就有答案
    • Termination without cause 才能有吧。如果是 Termination with cause 不能有,我合计。
    • 不用给你pay in lieu of notice, severance pay应该给如果你公司足够大
    • 多谢各位的热心回答。请问有这方面的律师或PARALEGAL推荐吗,想咨询一下,谢谢!
      • Termination 是个中性词,必须看前后的 Context 才能决定 Action。
    • 应该是安省规定的最低termination pay不用给了。Severance pay公司规模够资格的话必须给。不满意的话先跟公司人事商量,不行你还可以去找律师。律师要抽成至少30%。家附近随便找几个律师咨询一下,都差不多。参见链接。
      • 多謝!明天先去打聽一下。