

加拿大人有救了,Scientists believe cannabis could help prevent and treat coronavirus

They have high hopes for a coronavirus breakthrough. A team of Canadian scientists believes it has found strong strains of cannabis that could help prevent or treat coronavirus infections, accordin…

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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 加拿大人有救了,Scientists believe cannabis could help prevent and treat coronavirus
    They have high hopes for a coronavirus breakthrough. A team of Canadian scientists believes it has found strong strains of cannabis that could help prevent or treat coronavirus infections, accordin…
    • 上周Aurora Cannabis股票大涨,当时我就猜到了,很快会有所谓的科学家发出这样的结论的。炒完医药疫苗股,该炒大麻股了。 +3
      • 这个不是暴涨,是并股,12合一,否则就会被除牌了
    • 呵呵,Moderna 前脚刚唱完从股市套现的 dramas,这又来一出?