

All-purpose flour is versatile as it contains an average amount of protein.

... Self-rising flour should only be used when a recipe calls for self-rising flour because salt and baking powder (which is a leavening agent) have been added and distributed evenly through the flour

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美食天地 / 为什么在bulkban买的自发粉self rising flour活完面后,等了5个小时,完全没发起了,大死面疙瘩一个😠,难道自发粉还要加yeast吗?
    • All-purpose flour is versatile as it contains an average amount of protein.
      ... Self-rising flour should only be used when a recipe calls for self-rising flour because salt and baking powder (which is a leavening agent) have been added and distributed evenly through the flour
    • 你自己再google别的,我google self rising出来的第一条。
    • 看看成分表,有没有酵母,这边的自发粉是不是只加了baking power?
    • 需要加热才会起化学反应,估计和pancake一个道理。 +1
    • when 买的?
    • 自发粉是用baking powder, 不是酵母,不需要等,需要加热才起化学反应。 你试蒸几个馒头看看 +1
    • 自发粉是用baking powder,和好面上锅蒸就行,不会像酵母那样看着发酵起来的。遇热化学反应了就发起来了。 +1
    • 说不定可以做油条? +1