

Really? I've been to a couple (randomly got there by the sign on the street side), but not so impressive. :( So I need to ask. :)


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美食天地 / 请问卉樱果大姐等各位温哥华的朋友,哪些中餐馆比较实惠可口?谢谢!
    • 温哥华。。。。想找个不好吃滴中餐馆到有点难度。。。。
      • Really? I've been to a couple (randomly got there by the sign on the street side), but not so impressive. :( So I need to ask. :)
        • 那地方都快成中国了。。。。中餐馆做滴不好吃能生存下去。。。。?