

5555...I'm such a loser, I've never been there before

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  • 好,除了聊那活儿以外,我先开个头聊聊中青年男人的打扮,大家慢慢补充,也欢迎女士观摩指导;先从推荐一个休闲品牌 Eddie Bauer 开始...
    第一次接触 Eddie Bauer 是几年前想给父母买些这儿的衣服时,几个本地人推荐,说那里有比较适合给老年人的衣裤,而且多伦多各大百货集散地都有专卖店铺;

    我就近去了Fairview Mall 那个专卖店,进店后里面环境一般,东西摆放还算整齐,男右女左,人不多,慢悠悠得,感觉遐意;但温情的背后有其狰狞的一面,较贵!


    我比较喜欢休闲装,特别是口子衫(有时圆领衫)卡祺裤加半软底鞋的穿法,但我的体型不好,往往没有合适的尺寸,不过那次看到有一条30X33的非标尺寸混凝土灰的裤子,一试,正好,再看55.99上50% OFF;交钱,走人;

    因为第一印象还行,现在每次逛街都会去 Eddie Bauer 瞄上一眼...

    • I'm very impressed
      I'm very impressed. Eddie Bauer is a brand for professional people who in their middle ages or up. So that's why the price is higher, coz their selling strategy and target is for these people who have a good job, bought a house or even paid off the house, have a or more than one nice car.... for people are enjoying their life not struggle for a living.

      To me it's a nice brand for men, myself is a gal/women, I'm not a fan. The reason is I don't like the styles, and the size is too big for me. One good thing for Eddie Bauer is, the quality is so very good, it worth to buy, no kidding. If you are looking something can wear to work (not for those salesmen, they have to wear a suit), go to Eddie Bauer, you won't be wrong.
      • 五年之前,这个牌子的确是这么定位的;现在,应该是改变的时候了...
        • Yes, they are changing.... It looks like they want some younger customer. But I'm not sure if it is good or not. What if the old age group get disappointed but the young group still think this brand is for older people? Let's see what happens.
          • 我想消费群年龄应该还是中青年以上,但不仅是中产阶级以上了...
            • Sure
        • What I heard is Eddie Bauer gonna close for re-decorate, which means they want a big change.
    • 卡祺裤是啥样子, 偶一年四季牛仔裤, 最喜欢CK的.....喜欢穿有领的Tshirt, 波鞋最喜欢adidas带三斜杠的那种
      • 卡祺 is came from "Khaki"
        卡祺 is came from "Khaki", it's a color like soil, darker than sand color and stone color. 卡祺裤 the style is between pants and jeans. A lot of people like it because it's comfortable and flexible.

        CK Jeans is for people who is on their way to their middle age and up.

        "有领的T-shirt" is called :Polo shirt".
        • thx, 又长知识了
      • 波鞋/不会把,你也知道波鞋
      • CK好贵啊
        • No, it's not. Much cheaper than $500 jeans.
    • But in the meantime, I'm worrying about no man ( well maybe a few, a saw one here) is really interest about a topic like this, coz people don't like change, people don't want to change, people afraid of changes.
      • 谈不上interest or not, 就是这儿人少, 就说两句.....
        • really? sorry I'm new one for here
    • 国内没见过这个牌子阿
      • 上海巴黎春天里有...
        • 5555...I'm such a loser, I've never been there before
          • oh, pls dont put it that way, Zara, sometime, u may let us know more about "Zara", I do like their web site, it is so coool...
            • You are so nice, I feel better now. But I more like BCBG....
              • it doesn't mean u r a loser if u never been there. and those ppl who even been there are not nesseraliy a winner.
    • It's on sale now! 25% off... http://www.eddiebauer.com/eb/cat_splash_no_nav.asp?nv=23514|22727|24253&cm_ven=email&cm_cat=322&cm_pla=R&cm_ite=HTML&oessoa=6046088
      • I am still going to wait... :(
    • Eddie Bauer的颜色很传统,稍微有一点老气,而且号码偏大.我推荐BANANA REPUBLIC的男装. 它的衬衫很活泼,特别是袖子有31.5"的,适合胳膊短的男士. 总体感觉比EB挺,又比MEXX舒服.
      • 这也是我喜欢的牌子,只是每次都不舍得对自己下狠手...
        • Go to State, you can find some really good deal for Bababa Republic and a lot of other brand....Good luck.
          • thanks a lot! BTW, are you a big fan of Tyra Banks?
            • Not really, it's not only Tyra Bank's fist name it Tyra. But she is good. I like her.
            • By the way, what do you mean BTW?
              • BTW = By the way, lol
                • oh, my god!
      • It's really depends your age range and style. I'm a big fan of Banana Republic, coz it's for my age.
    • LG的东东太多了,只能挑主要的说了~~ 大衣,风衣 : Burberry
      Suit : Boss ,Burberry, BR

      Jacket :Polo, Nautica,Tommy

      正装衬衣:Boss,BR ,Perry Ellis (试样不错,但是烫起来狠费事), Broker Brother (这个要强烈推荐一下,最近才刚刚开始买的,质量非常好)

      领带: Burberry, BB, BR ,BOSS ,Polo, Mexx, Nautica

      休闲衬衣,Tshirt : Lacoste,Polo (国内这个牌子已经是烂大街了,可是在这里还是一个好牌子), Tommy, Nautica, A/X,North Face

      休闲裤: BR, Polo,Mexx, DKNY,Timberland (灯心绒裤的质地非常好)

      牛仔裤:CK, D&G, Levis,Guess

      皮带: Bally,Coach , CK

      鞋子(太多了,有太多不同用途) : Cole Hann,Clarks, Kenneth Cole,Timberland
      Teva (这个牌子的凉鞋超好),Rockport,Ecco


      shopping秘诀就是去美国买,尤其是9月劳动节,感恩节,圣诞节前后,很多店家都on sale,折上折,我们去年的圣诞去的纽约,老公花了$15买了条Coach的皮带,$9 Polo的裤子! :D
      • en, lots of BR staff, if u got time, pls lets know more about it.
    • It's 70% off now, for outlet only. http://www.eddiebauer.com/eb/cat_splash_no_nav.asp?nv=23514|22727|24259&cm_ven=email&cm_cat=323&cm_pla=EBO&cm_ite=HTML&oessoa=6046088
      • yes, I am going to stop by during the Chinese lantern festival, thanks for sharing!
        • Again, this is for outlet only, not for stores.
    • It's on sale now, 50% off!!! http://www.eddiebauer.com/eb/cat_splash_no_nav.asp?nv=23514|22727|24263&cm_ven=email&cm_cat=328&cm_pla=A&cm_ite=HTML&oessoa=6046088