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  • 作为经常享受黄色笑话的我们,要好好问一下自己,
    Is there a real purpose to life and if so, what is it?

    Why were we created male and female? Does it really matter if we are one sex or another?

    Why were man and woman called to communion from the beginning? What does the marital union of a man and woman say to us about our lives purpose?

    What is the purpose of the married and celibate vocations?

    What exactly is "Love"?

    Is it truly possible to be pure of heart?
    • 你either太久没做OR 做的太多。 鉴定完毕。
      • 不是。是做的时候想的太多。
    • "柴郡猫是《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》中描写的一种功物,据说老是在微笑。——译注。(注:柴郡猫的有趣之处在于,它的身体消失以后,笑容还会保持一会儿。)"
      • 这个天文不是我的强项。

    • yes, there is a real purpose to life