

Researchers have found that women's feelings after one night stands are much more negative than men's.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Feeling 'used' was the predominent negative emotion they felt the next morning and they also worried about their reputations and felt as if they had let themselves down. Professor Anne Campbell from Durham University said "What the women seemed to object to was not the briefness of the encounter but the fact that the man did not seem to appreciate her. The women thought this lack of gratitude implied that she did this with anybody."

A one-night stand can be thought of as an irregular and unplanned sexual encounter between individuals. The participants will usually have little or no contact with one another aside from sex. Thus it is possible to have multiple one-night stands with the same person, provided that there is no regularity to the encounters or planning involved in the encounters. However, where the people involved have a regular sexual relationship without romantic involvement, this is generally considered a casual relationship (also referred to using terms such as "no strings attached"/NSA, "fuck buddies", or "friends with benefits"/FWB), and is generally considered distinct from the one-night stand phenomenon.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • Looking for one night stand. I am female, single without boyfriend. I hope you are male, 30-35, single, and never married.
    • 哇,又要有一批倒霉蛋彻夜难眠了。呵呵。你这是害人那。
      • I am serious. I feel so depressed and sad.
        • 你还希瑞尔?跑这来跟一帮色狼为伍。呵呵。真是病急乱投医阿。
          • This post is void at the time of 12:24 PM August 10, 2008. I think it is not a good solution. I will find a way out. Thanks for your interest in me.
            • 天那,您误会了,我是有家的人,就算是有兴趣,也是不符合您的条件的。我回您贴只是想劝您,实际些,再网上,尤其是在这色狼成群的BBS里,使找不到如意郎君的。
    • 停~~~
    • hi, I am 35, never married, contact me. thanks.
    • 你有病啊?!刚刚在楼下说跳舞唱歌的没有好男人,这倒好,立马就找一夜情了!告诉你,跳舞唱歌的好男人大把,一夜情的,没个好的!!!!
      • 我就不信喜欢唱歌跳舞的男人会是好男人,而且还是大把。呵呵。可能我真是老了,跟不上形势了。
        • 你的心老了。 :-)忽然发现,大龄未婚的,最大的问题就是给自己设了一条条的框子。。。。木说的,从自己身上找原因才是根本。不是说你啊,知道你成家了。
          • 呵呵,看来你是位MM了。我想您也是风浪里过来的。不管什么年代,男人是要养家的,是要有事业的。整天无所事事的泡歌厅泡舞厅的,能是好男人?不管怎么说,我都觉得说不过去呢?我理解不了这个道理,所以我怀疑我老了。
            • 木有说整天啊。单身男人在多伦多周末跳个舞,唱歌,很正常啊。这里又没有国内歌舞厅的猫腻。不要想当然啊。
              • 单身?好男人怎么会单身呢?没成年就会被群蝶环绕了。呵呵。
      • 你怎么知道他们是好男人???从表面?还是哪里?
        • 几个朋友跳舞唱歌养家疼老婆。。。
          • 偷情当然是偷偷地,好像John Edwards 那样才对,选民面前好好老公
            • 是的, 该干正事时干正事,该快活时去快活。
    • 怎么至于这样了! 叹息
      • 她肯定是在作弄这坛上的男生,呵呵
    • 妹妹,但愿你是挖坑的!
    • 我要是你爸,我非---
      • 大巴掌上去
    • 叹,真到了这个地步了?注意对方有没有传染病。
    • hormone啊,hormone
    • Researchers have found that women's feelings after one night stands are much more negative than men's.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Feeling 'used' was the predominent negative emotion they felt the next morning and they also worried about their reputations and felt as if they had let themselves down. Professor Anne Campbell from Durham University said "What the women seemed to object to was not the briefness of the encounter but the fact that the man did not seem to appreciate her. The women thought this lack of gratitude implied that she did this with anybody."

      A one-night stand can be thought of as an irregular and unplanned sexual encounter between individuals. The participants will usually have little or no contact with one another aside from sex. Thus it is possible to have multiple one-night stands with the same person, provided that there is no regularity to the encounters or planning involved in the encounters. However, where the people involved have a regular sexual relationship without romantic involvement, this is generally considered a casual relationship (also referred to using terms such as "no strings attached"/NSA, "fuck buddies", or "friends with benefits"/FWB), and is generally considered distinct from the one-night stand phenomenon.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 这里男的好象多数喜欢'留守'或'少妇', 你小MM一个,在这找ONS会有点难度
    • 你们真是的,都什么年代了,还不许人家满足生理需要吗?支持!强烈支持!大力支持!单身兄弟们,上了她!!!!!!
    • 一个女孩子能发出这样的帖子,我感觉是全体多伦多中国男人的悲哀,我的条件完全符合,也愿意让妹妹挑选,请妹妹不要悲观,先从我开始,直到你选到合适的为止.
      • 呵呵,笑死我了!
        • Ok. Now they can find someone perfect. Did you see the advertisement below?
          • hehe.........who knows, but i am so curious, if i were a man, i definitely would .....
            • Hahaaa.
              I would say "A very pretty and sexy woman looking for romance with a guy. I am waiting for your embracement;I will let you feel my burning heart. tender, sm, hardcore...One heart, one soul, let's get wild. " Ok. Stop here, just kidding. shame on me. I wanna be a good woman.
              • my heart is beating so fast now............
                she said NO SM!!!
              • 你要是老没正经的