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  • 我和朋友想找两个陌生女人玩4P。地点在宾馆,时间在周末。我们是三十出头的健康正职男人。要求女人四十以下,女人味十足。有意者PM。
    • 多P是比较能满足慢热性女性的玩法,对性欲强烈的女性更能玩得刺激。对于男性而言,两王一后,也较易控制性高潮。当然玩伴都必须d&d free!
      • you mean you can not satisfy a woman? only two guys can satisfy one woman?
        • May, I am not an expert on this, pls try to answer these questions: 1) Have you met a man who can "satisfy" you? 2) If yes, why aren’t you attached with him? 3) if no, why don’t you pump up quickly instead of asking those silly knee-jerk questions?
          • I do not want to answer your stupid questions. It is your choice to seek 3P/4P. I just made some comments.
            • The problem is you're inclined to judge the others but you are so afraid of being judged. Hey, cheer up, May, find the guy who can really get you fixed up and it won't cost you an arm and a leg.
        • 随便批评别人是不成熟的标志,每个人都有选择的自由,特别是成人的私生活。
          • I am just making my comments. I am not saying he cannot have 3P 4P. Actually it is none of my biz. It is still a speech freedom country.
            • do whatever you want. having fun.
              • Thanks. BTW, 你说随便批评人是不成熟的标志。那你刚才也不是说我的坏话嘛,难道你也很不成熟?