

如果你是真的decent , smart的话

如果你是真的decent , smart的话,可能也就不太在意别人的看法吧,又何必与其他人来来回回的argue呢。 我可能也理解错误,你也许只是在这里想得到那种短暂的满足和虚荣,能感觉得到,每天打开mailbox, 一大推的pm, 不同男人的的回复, 也挺amazing的吧。

得到自己想要的东西可能才是最重要的,sex, 那种激情,不可想象的神秘!!

呵呵。 只是路过此地。
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  • My 2nd post: Re:妹妹找多伦多情人. Thank you for reading.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Thank you for those messages, some message are quite interesting to read, which just gave me some fresh ideas, I will make a list just like some cute men did, so that I could narrow down my scope, no offend to anybody.

    Myself(For example: full score is 10)
    1) Looking 8/10
    2) Body 9/10
    3) Personality: Good heart, funny, flexible, open-minded, 8.5/10
    4) Intelligent: 8.5/10
    5) Clean: 10/10
    6) Romantic rate: 8.5/10
    7) Sex performance & good kisser: 9/10
    8) Available time: 3 hrs each week or more( weekend and after work hours are preferred, some day-offs could be scheduled)
    9) Dating allowance: 0/10 you cover it all except I will surprise you with small gift.(nice woman deserve beautiful things, don’t you think so?)

    By the way, just so you know, I am not going to ruin somebody‘s family at all, I just want some spicy ingredient putting in bored Canada routine life. I will not love you, not that I don’t want to, I don’t have every right to do so, since you are not single. But I will definitely like you and take care of you sexually and emotionally.

    I am aware of it is hard task mixing with many factors, time issues. It could turn out I found nothing except some nice male friends hanging on my MSN, I am also cool with it, anything is not rushing and pushing, let nature take it course.

    Can you send me your list to my message box too, let us makes a match-up, how that sounds to you? Tell me your age, height, looking, marriage (kids), personality and what do you do, where do you live? All those kind of info will help us get to know each other in advance. I could be wrong and so silly, If you do not hate me so far, go ahead to send me message again. Thank you for your time.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 很急色嘛!!
    • 我正式提醒各位狼友小心,避免上当.
      • 呵呵,估计楼主已经收到了几十个PM了。 只不过,这个是真的, 我保证
        • 谢谢,那些MSN我加了,有空碰在一起就聊聊天,安排好了见见面也行,不着急.
      • 任你是真正的Obama, 也得拿出上海毛脚女婿见丈母娘的全套功夫,等到过五关斩六将搞定了,宽衣解带才发现,oops! 忘带吊了。
        • 可是我根本不怕这些,我怕的是碰不到他
      • 上当? 能碰到叫缘分,碰不到何谈上当呢?
    • 我,,,我,,,我....
      • 那你就根本不用劳驾REPLY呀
        • 我是在帮你定贴阿.....呵呵....
    • 祝你开业大吉!献花篮一个!
    • 我对于男人装女人的变态行为和一些女人的不道德行为强烈的谴责,同时真诚的提醒各位狼友,把持自己的原则,不要轻易被人家忽悠,一个绝色美女,还在这里大打广告,最后投入你的怀抱,不论你是不是优秀,本身就和神话一样.
      • 总统就是不一样
      • 你一个绝色美男,还有时间在这里受打击啊,我倒. 不是我说的,你自己哦. 我从来没有说我什么绝色啊, 才80分啊.
        • 我从来不看相貌,只看身材。
        • 看一篇报道杨澜自称自己是80分的女人,你说你是80分,你以为你是杨澜啊,是不是过年假酒喝多了,有点晕啊.
          • 这个我可不能同意总统阁下的观点......

            • 根据我的经验,应该是60分以下的,我已经见过几个了,基本都是说的很好,听口气都是绝色的,但见过后,基本都很失望,
    • 如果你是真的decent , smart的话
      如果你是真的decent , smart的话,可能也就不太在意别人的看法吧,又何必与其他人来来回回的argue呢。 我可能也理解错误,你也许只是在这里想得到那种短暂的满足和虚荣,能感觉得到,每天打开mailbox, 一大推的pm, 不同男人的的回复, 也挺amazing的吧。

      得到自己想要的东西可能才是最重要的,sex, 那种激情,不可想象的神秘!!

      呵呵。 只是路过此地。
    • 替悠悠支持一下
      From what 1strain said, I believe she is sincere. Everyone has her own right to pursue happiness and the way to live the life.
    • 我对悠悠的打分:
      1) Looking 8-/10
      2) Body 9.5/10
      3) Personality: Good heart, funny, flexible, open-minded, 9.5/10
      4) Intelligent: 8.5/10
      5) Clean: 9.5/10
      6) Romantic rate: 9.5/10
      7) Sex performance(7/10) & good kisser(9/10 )
      • 想知道....悠悠对你的打分呢....?
    • 传说中的多功能插座?
    • 这篇该顶。绝对支持妹妹。 群狼应该在更广的范围,比如华人认可的洋妞中进攻。