

TitusWong(Lic.CustomsBroker) There are a lot of bad apples out there.That is because freight forwareders are not regulated by customs. If you are being unfairly treated.

Take them to court and also post their name on the forum so everyone know about it. Make sure you get a quote on paper and beware something that is too good to be true. If the price is too low. Use your common sense. They have to get your money from some where.
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  • 如何对付货运代理欺诈
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛做进出口一年有余,经验不敢说,得到了些教训。写出来供大家参考。


    过了些日子,觉得货无论如何也应该到地方了,却迟迟不见货代动静,怎么也没有提单发过来,就又去问。这一问就问出事来了,价格比他们自己报的又高了700美金,原因据说是他报价时搞错了,是按重量报的,后来运输时才发现货物比较轻,chargeable weight要根据体积换算,而且不肯打折,态度强硬地说不付款就不给运单,硬从我手里抢了2600 USD。


    总结下来,对付他们的最好办法就是在报价时提供给他们所运货物的体积和重量,并坚决要求他们在报出单位价格(如每公斤/磅价格)的同时报出他们根据你提供的体积和重量算出的总价格,写在Email或传真里传给你。这样可以帮助你作出明智选择,以免以后上当。同时,在上当后坚决不和欺诈的公司再做生意,还要把经历广而告之,让大家都不再上当。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 血泪教训
      • 我也遇到过同样的事情,货贷的名字叫:Brilliiant Globe logistics。 报了价钱,也确认了。货出来后,告诉我,他的价钱算错了。要一个柜子加US700.00。 我不答应,他们就扣了我的货。没有办法,只能付。千万别在上当了。
      • TitusWong(Lic.CustomsBroker) There are a lot of bad apples out there.That is because freight forwareders are not regulated by customs. If you are being unfairly treated.
        Take them to court and also post their name on the forum so everyone know about it. Make sure you get a quote on paper and beware something that is too good to be true. If the price is too low. Use your common sense. They have to get your money from some where.
    • 一般来说碰到这种事双方都不愉快. 下次记住你询价时要知道自己要走的货是体积货还是重量货.这样你才能知道你的运输成本. 有些货还有另外的规定,比如危险品要加收等.
      • 这种东西货运代理可以很轻易知道的,说到底还是服务质量问题。如果用户啥都明白,还找你货代干什么?