

We have the same feelings. This is why we moved away from those Chinese A-shares guys.

I dare to say that 50% of our neighbors do not have experiences of losing money. Based upon their words, they are outsmarting the market. If they can avoid 7-2-1 rule in the stock market, that would be a real China Miracle.
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  • 聊来聊去, 总还是你们几个啊. 抽签吧, 你们中的1/10赚钱. 给个高些的数据, 都是高手, 就地3/10吧, 看你们一年后到地是几个赚.
    • 没有规定只有高手可以聊啊. 有高手, 但很多是我一样的爱好者讨论而已, 不是打擂台比赛.
      • sorry, 我只是觉得有些人的言语不太实际而已. 太多的浮夸, 还有太多的经不起事实考验. 不是挑战啊. 有些人聊起各国股票就象聊他家后花园的草. 不只他们战绩如何.
        • 只有自己鉴别喽. 这个新坛子里还可以吧.
        • 七人赔钱,二人持平,只有一人赚钱。大侠怎么拿这个来刺激我们水平低的人呢?这话说给那些吵中国A股的人,恐怕还是合适的。在中国特色的股市里,七人赚钱,二人持平,只有一人赔钱。
          • 各人有各人的炒股风格. 我觉得如是长赢, 那一定有立身的道理. 所以我以赚钱定输赢. 别笑我"傻侠", 也别刷嘴皮. 在世界上任何一个股市, 都没那么简单.
          • sorry, 是在看完中国的群雄乱聊后, 心胸狭窄郁闷, 有感后发的感慨. 这世界乱字了得.
            • We have the same feelings. This is why we moved away from those Chinese A-shares guys.
              I dare to say that 50% of our neighbors do not have experiences of losing money. Based upon their words, they are outsmarting the market. If they can avoid 7-2-1 rule in the stock market, that would be a real China Miracle.