

A customer on Amazon.com said the card did not work on his Panasonic Lumix TS3 camera (or camcorder?).

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  • Kingston SD10/32GB memory card, good for computer, camera and tablet, now at $30 on wagjag, shipping and tax included. The price might be the lowest on market. Amazon.com @$76, NCIX @$90. Please find reviews on discussion board and ncix.
    • A customer on Amazon.com said the card did not work on his Panasonic Lumix TS3 camera (or camcorder?).
    • 能向你的组织反映哈吗?用邮件反映的那个关爱你家人的鱼,怎么没有下文呢?5天啦,难道一定要吵上门去?蜡烛!!!!
      • Why don't you call them? For email complaint, I had been waiting for a week to get response. You will get full refund as this is their policy.
        • 买也买了,吃也将就吃了些。既然大家都要求退,也报了个名。二十几块钱,还真的要打上门去??如果他们真是蜡烛不点不亮,那我就一直在这里给他们提醒着
          • Please call 416-687-5848 as soon as possible. Wagjag refund policy says refund for purchase in 30-day.
            • 就是二十几块钱,人家真不给,我也没有办法。况且我也报了,也有确认号,人家真是要装傻,我也控制不了。就算答应退钱,实际不给你到帐,还能去小额法庭不成??哎,这种小作坊