

These are the general tips for a 502 message

Perform a hard-refresh in your browser. On Macs, this is done by pressing Cmd + Shift + R.

Clear your browser cache and delete cookies. Your browser may be holding on to certain files that were saved once you visited the website with a 502 error.

Restart your computer/networking equipment
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  • 既然老大在, 就问一下, 我那个手机现在上肉练老是提示502 bad gateway是怎么回事啊😳
    • These are the general tips for a 502 message
      Perform a hard-refresh in your browser. On Macs, this is done by pressing Cmd + Shift + R.

      Clear your browser cache and delete cookies. Your browser may be holding on to certain files that were saved once you visited the website with a 502 error.

      Restart your computer/networking equipment
      • 我的是手机
        • Try it. Same idea.
          • Sure, thanks