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免费午餐加优秀学子经验分享 -3月8日等你来!

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛加拿大中国专业人士协会(简称CPAC)教育基金会近日宣布,2014年度CPAC奖学金及助学金评选工作已经结束,十名学子从百名申请者中脱颖而出、将获嘉奖。颁奖典礼将于2015年3月8日中午12时(夏令时)在多伦多北约克市民中心会议厅举行,免费对公众开放并提供简餐,欢迎学生、家长积极参加,分享学子的成功经验。

2014年度CPAC奖(助)学金将要发放的十个奖项是:一名3000元CPAC-TD Meloche Monnex至尊奖学金、三名1000元CPAC-Tianbao、CPAC-Investors Group、CPAC-Queen Financial Group大学奖学金、四名1000元高中奖学金(其中一名由CPA Ontario赞助)以及两名1000元助学金。有别于其他的奖学金评选只基于考核申请者的学习成绩情况,CPAC奖学金的评选还看重申请者对人类、社会和环境的关怀以及领导力的体现。


“CPAC了解良好的教育对我们的下一代非常重要,我们希望能借此奖学金、助学金鼓励那些移民的子女,那些勤奋上进、热衷社区服务的学生在教育的道路上不断前进”,CPAC教育基金会会长林瑞铭先生说。“CPAC衷心感谢各位捐赠者和赞助商的慷慨支持,特别是本届奖学金颁奖典礼的钻石赞助商CPA Ontario”。

颁奖典礼免费入场,典礼结束后将提供简餐。为方便主办方安排,需提前在http://cpacaward2014.eventbrite.com上注册。如需了解更多情况,请浏览CPAC教育基金会网站www.cpac-ef.ca,或致电CPAC办公室查询:416-298-7885 转分机101。

2014 CPAC奖学金颁奖典礼的具体安排如下:
地点:North York Civic Centre Council Chambers
(5100 Yonge St, North York, ON M2N 5V7)


Hear inspiring stories at the CPAC Scholarship Award Ceremony on Mar.8 - Free lunch

The Education Foundation of the Chinese Professionals Association of Canada (EF of CPAC) is pleased to announce that after careful review and deliberations, the Foundation’s Award Selection Committee has selected the 2014 winners of the CPAC Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries. A Scholarship Award Ceremony will be held at 12:00 pm on March 8, 2015(the first day of daylight savings) at the North York Civic Centre Council Chamber. This year’s ceremony is open to the public and the Foundation encourages students and parents in the community to attend and share in the award winners’ inspiring stories.

Founded in 1999, the Education Foundation of CPAC provides Scholarships and Awards to secondary and post-secondary students who have demonstrated exceptional community leadership as well as outstanding academic achievements. The Foundation also provides bursaries to students who hold above-average grades and demonstrate financial need.

“We received applications from about one hundred brilliant students this year, from across the country. The Selection Committee had a difficult task at hand, but ultimately decided to award ten individuals based on their combined academic excellence and community involvement,” remarks Richard Lim, President of the Education Foundation of CPAC. “EF has given out over 200 monetary awards in the past fourteen years with a value of $235,000. We would like to thank all of our sponsors and donors for their generous and continued support that has allowed us to fulfill our commitment in this regard. We would especially like to thank CPA Ontario, the diamond sponsor of the 2014 CPAC Scholarship Award Ceremony,” continued President Lim.

Tianbao Travel, Investors Group, CPA Ontario, and Queen Financial Group are all sponsors of $1,000 scholarships and awards to high school and post-secondary students. The highest honour is the $3,000 CPAC-TD Meloche Monnex Prestigious Scholarship, award to the top applicant in the post-secondary student category. Awards to high school students and bursaries are mostly funded by CPAC, and will also be in the amount of $1,000 each. Total value of scholarships, awards, and bursaries this year is $12,000.

The Scholarship Award Ceremony will be followed by a reception for all attendees. “It’s a great opportunity for students and parents to network and share their experiences with each other,” says Andi Shi, Executive Director of the Foundation. The Education Foundation of CPAC welcomes all those who would like to attend the ceremony. Admission is free, but seats are limited; Please RVSP online at http://cpacaward2014.eventbrite.com as early as possible. For more information about the Foundation please visit: www.cpac-ef.ca, or call the CPAC office at 416-298-7885 ext. 101.

2014 CPAC Scholarship Award Ceremony:
Date: Sunday, March 8, 2015
Time: 12:00 pm - 14:00 pm
Venue: North York Civic Centre Council Chamber
(5100 Yonge St, North York, ON M2N 5V7)
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