

资格赛参加者空前之多,估计这儿加拿大的孩子也不少。This was our biggest Qual Round ever,

by a wide margin. We had almost 74000 registrants — we've finally achieved our dream of overflowing an unsigned 16-bit variable! Over 35500 contestants made at least one attempt, over 31500 had a positive score, and over 1000 had perfect scores. Every language was used in at least one full solution.
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  • 加国大学 / U.Waterloo / Google Code Jam 2019 - 火热报名中 +3
    不分学校哈,中学/大学/上班簇.... 无报名费,网上远程参加。
    对intern 或全职应该都有帮助。
    • 资格赛参加者空前之多,估计这儿加拿大的孩子也不少。This was our biggest Qual Round ever,
      by a wide margin. We had almost 74000 registrants — we've finally achieved our dream of overflowing an unsigned 16-bit variable! Over 35500 contestants made at least one attempt, over 31500 had a positive score, and over 1000 had perfect scores. Every language was used in at least one full solution.
    • 满30分可以进军第一轮,目前的score board在这里 +2
      • 我儿子进第二轮了,5月18日考。
        • 才大一吧,太厉害了。 +1
        • 以后要靠你家公子了。💪💪💪



          • 他12年级就进了第二轮的,我倒要看看上了大学会不会有些进步。后面是很难啊