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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 请教大家, 抽油烟机是7寸的,如果装在6寸的出口上, 抽力会减少多少? 有必要将墙上的出风口改为7寸的吗?
    • 问题不大,抽油烟机很少需要开最大档。
    • 借问楼主,抽风机是多大 CFM 的?谢谢。
      • 750的
        • 不错。
    • My range hood is 1000 CFM and requires 8" duct. I reduced it to 6". On max it produces a lot more noises. It is always the best if you can follow manufacturer's recommendation. It's there for a reason.
      • 嗯, 8 寸转6 寸差的太多了。 可能7寸会好些。
      • 你觉得对抽力影响大吗?
        • 没的compare,要compare you need to have a set up with 8" vs. 6" side by side. You can google to get a theoretical comparison.
        • 少了1/4。能承受不?
    • 7寸的装在6寸的出口上,截面積等如原來的73%,750CFM只能開550