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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 严肃的提议,谁有口罩防护服货源的,肉脸搞个募捐赠送活动吧,赠送几个病例比较多的医院。 +1
    • 我覺得誰家認識在醫院工作的,先打聽下他們接不接受,標準如何比較穩妥。
      • 对。必须是FDA标准的。大家都问问医院要不要。货源也是个问题吧。 +2
        • 貨源之前一個網友有個帖子說有,好像是昨天的帖。
          • 等他来回应
        • 我有MDEL license, 可以从中国进货,KN95口罩,GB 2626-2006 标准,有NIOSH检验证明,医院肯定可以用。如果你们捐赠的话我可以成本价给你们。
          • 谢谢你的信息。但看起来这个帖子没什么人响应。我是觉得应该把华人的捐赠活动搞的声势大一些。光是在网上三三俩俩的捐款没有影响力。
          • 不过现在没货,要中国下单然后空运过来,大概要14天时间
          • 你可以拿到多少货呢?3M 网站上有个口罩比较,提到KN95。加拿大医院会认可吗?
            • 是这个比较表吧。看起来和N95是完全一样的标准。不过为了保险起见,还是把这个比较表给医院看一下比较稳妥。
              • 医用N95口罩需要防高压液体喷溅,所以比普通N95更高的标准;以3M为例,型号1860/1870+和9132是最常用的医用防护口罩。医用口罩不允许带阀。 +1
            • KN95是中国的口罩标准,美国的口罩标准是N95。KN95口罩符合GB19083-2010标准的是才医用口罩。
          • 中国的GB 2626-2006 标准是普通KN95口罩标准,医用KN95口罩标准是GB19083-2010。 +1
            • 我也知道你说的, 但是现在进 GB19083-2010 货源很难找,GB2626-2006作为捐赠医院会接收的。我也不会从中赚钱,单据都会公开。 不过今天看到安省已经订了100万N95, 应该暂时够了,如果表示心意还是捐款更合适。我刚捐了,还有退税。
          • 医用的KN95中国也缺,没必要民间收集
    • ok,我接到一个North York 医院基金的Email,需要PPE的捐献,可这玩意咱们恐怕搞不到吧 +1
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Friends,

      I am still working from my kitchen table although I confess to have occasionally moved to the couch, with my laptop precariously perched on a pillow. I have quickly (if clumsily) adapted to daily video conferencing, conference calls and other handy tools to keep in touch with my colleagues in the hospital and my foundation team. I continue to enjoy daily conversations and emails with our donor community but forgive me if I am a bit behind in responding. Day 8 of quarantine: still managing 6-foot distance, hands are a bit raw from washing and only one instance of minor quarrelling with my daughter and none of note with my husband.

      I wanted to let you know that today we opened a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Drop Off Centre at 4000 Leslie Street, across the road from the hospital. It currently operates Monday-Friday from 8AM-4PM. Its purpose is to collect and distribute N95 masks, surgical masks, face shields and viral swabs to hospitals in need throughout the community. We are appealing to individuals, industry, dentists, vets, and health care professionals to donate unopened PPE. Here is the link to a dedicated site which has more detailed information should you be in a position to support this community-wide effort: www.NYGHppedrive.ca

      Hospital wide, our front line staff and the countless others behind the scenes are tireless in the care of our community. While non-essential surgeries have been postponed, we continue to operate on urgent cases, bring babies into the world and address the medical needs of our community as we always have.

      You may have seen our COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund launched on Saturday in The Globe and Mail and Toronto Star. It was established to provide the hospital with the ability to respond without delay to emerging technology needs, additional equipment or staffing and converting space in our efforts to meet COVID head on. Thank you to those of you who have been able to donate while managing uncertainty in your own lives.

      The Nanji Family Foundation has graciously let me know that they will match dollar for dollar any additional donations made to the Emergency Response Fund up to $100,000. Any contribution would be appreciated and you can do this through NYGHtacklescovid19.ca or by calling the donor line at 416-756-6944 or email me at terry.pursell@nygh.on.ca.

      A reminder about our online self assessment tool, which can be found at COVID19toronto.ca. It is designed to help you self-assess risk of infection and will provide guidance based on symptoms, contact and travel history. It will direct you towards a self-isolation strategy, a visit to the Emergency Department or to attend an assessment centre.

      Our Assessment Centre is adjacent to our Charlotte & Lewis Steinberg Emergency and is open 24/7. We also have a dedicated COVID website for our patients to get their own results. Or you can call Telehealth at 1-866-797-0000 for advice and here are some other links to use as a resource:

      Ontario Ministry of Health: https://www.ontario.ca/page/2019-novel-coronavirus
      Public Health Agency of Canada: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection.html
      NYGH, including information on visitor policy: https://nygh.on.ca/covid-19-updates

      Thank you for the privilege of sharing information about COVID-19 and for personally helping me feel connected to you, our donor community.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 这儿说的PPE包括各种个人防护用品。 Its purpose is to collect and distribute N95 masks, surgical masks, face shields and viral swabs。你再读读email。我觉得只要能搞到FDA货源,医院没有理由不要
        • 支持
      • 我直接在它官网基金会捐的,数字下面有个选项,可以指定专款专用。
      • 姥爷牵头吧~ LS说有货源,弄个帐号,大家捐
        • 我不会牵头,如果有我信任的id挑头,我会捧场
          • 这太简单了。 楼上有位有牌的可以进货,他报个价并提供一个账户,楼主跟医院联系一下接受事宜。 愿意埋单的填填,这个事就做了。
    • 支持
    • 支持。
    • 支持
    • 算我一份。我公司一个供应商号称能从中国进口N95,我明天问问详细情况,价格,lead time,能否给医院使用。如果不行,我就加入你们。
      • N95型号很重要。只有1860/1870+,9132或者有anti virus, surgical. flu-fighter等字样才是医用。
        • 还有1860s
          • 这边医院也常用8210S, 9210+
        • 问到了。我这个供应商能拿到手的是中国版的KN95。两周到货,价格的话,买5000个是3块19一个。是不是有点贵?我还没砍价
    • 阿里巴巴有,但不确定医院能不能用
    • 直接给医院捐款, 让医院去采购符合他们要求和需求的防护和衣用装备。美国产能已经开始扩大, 3M这样的厂商都明确表示不会提高价格赚黑心钱。等从其它地方折腾过来, 美国的产能只怕已经跟得上需求了, 还能符合要求。 +4
      • 另外, 考虑到退税, 捐给医院还能多捐一点。 +1
        • 同时, 如果有大量华人的名字出现在医院的捐款名册上, 也给华人长脸。 +1
      • 美国对加拿大禁运
        • 呵呵, 你这是说谎张嘴就来。 +7
        • 呵呵
    • 报名参加。
    • 支持!参加。
    • 教会有三个姐妹在医院做护士,争取了半天,现在领导层才容许医护人员戴口罩,但每天只给两个,资源很短缺,我把钱原来买的 level 3 口罩给她们了
    • st.
      michael's hospital给我的答复: At this point we are accepting all masks as donations. They will be validated once they arrive to ensure they meet our safety standards.
      When can your friend deliver them?

      Thank you,
      Alison Stephenson
      现在给医生护士每个班发两个口罩用于在非covid unit的地方使用, 意在保护其他人, 只是非常薄的level 1
      • cdc 临时放宽标准, 中国GB2026-2006 KN95现在可以进口, 医院可以接受
        Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a virus (more specifically, a coronavirus) identified as the cause of an outbreak of respiratory illness first detected in Wuhan, China.
        • A sister who working at Michael Garron Hospital said that the N95 needs to be certified by NIOSH or CE. Their hospital does not accept KN95 series now. SHE IS ORDERING SOME STUFF FROM CHINA AT HER OWN EXPENSES NOW
          • Here