


  • Howl with Me
    I am a wolf.

    Starved as I am, I refuse to beg for food;
    Lonely as I am, I am not yearning for companionship.
    Bright moon as my witness,
    Dark forest as my testimonial,
    I crave for love.

    May it be as brief as a sparkle in life;
    as fickle as a drifting cloud;
    I don’t regret if I don’t survive tonight.
    Because you understand my howl.

    • The call of the wild. Survival of the fittest.
      • Sorry, I don't know the female edition of Wolf Howling Moon method. If you are interested, I will look it up.
    • 试试把欲望变成力量。欲望是力量的原动力,看你怎么用。你要是找到母狼了,劲也就泄了,瘫软如泥。虽然爽了一时,敌人可能已在眼前。“宁在花下死,做鬼也风流。”这是找不到花的时候的想法。找到了花,你会说:我还有很多重要的事要做呢,不想现在就死。
    • 我有个功法叫“野狼望月式”,能把让你急得团团转的欲望转化成吸引母狼和发现母狼的性感力量,并且让欲望在平时不启动,养精蓄锐,只在有母狼的时候才启动。
      • Obviously, you don't know howling. What you have described sounds a lot like barks from the domestic types who think they are wolves. I guess you've never seen tenderness in a wolf's eyes. :)
        • Very well then. I was at your age before. I know what you feel. It is a good one if you enjoy it. If it develops into frustration, let me know. I will help you out. I wish I knew the Wolf Howling Moon method when I was young.
          • what is his/her age?
          • You don't know how I feel. To be fair to you, it was written to one ID, and one ID only. She has responded and I guess it is time for me to leave here. You carry on.
            • You get what you want. Good luck!
      • can you message me about your "野狼望月式"? Want to learn it
        • 全称是“欲火焚身野狼望月式”,要天黑了练,熟练了可以白天随时按需做。分下中上三盘,我有时间了先写个下盘部分私信给你,练好了再说中盘。虽然熟练了可以在一秒钟内启动,但牵扯到的身体部位太多,只能分开来练,最后组合。
          • 高!···