


  • how to find romantic relationship without sex involvement?
    i am female.
    • 找一个性无能的男的。
      • I guess there is more difficulty in finding the romantic relationship, not to mention one with that condition
        • It is difficult because everyone's expectation for romantic relationship are different and keep changing. If you are lucky to find it for a short period of time, the next thing to expect is pain.
          • and hopefully the pleasure is worth the pain.
            • Most of people give up trying, because they eventually find the pleasure does not worth the pain. Are you among the few who is lucky? Try and think. The answer is in you.
              • Pleasure can become pain and pain can bring pleasure, so what is the point of doing the equation.
                People don't learn anything important from pleasure anyway. Like what you said, life is meaningful when you discover the inner self. Learn to accept it and find the ultimate peace - love yourself and exercise good will to others.
                • There three types of pleasure.
                  The first type is the fulfillment of lacking. Lacking is suffering. Stop suffering is pleasure.

                  The second type is progress. It is excitement of moving forward and higher.

                  The third type is pure pleasure itself that you can sit in it forever.

                  We should see through the first, use the second and reach and live in the third.
                  • In a simple story:
                    1st type - He lost her - he suffered but shaped up.
                    2nd type - He goes deep into himself
                    3rd type - he finds his inner self and lives happily ever after
                    • lol. it only happens in a fairy tale
    • Find a person who also wants romantic relationship with no string attached, just like you. My two cents
      • Try to define "romantic relationship". Your definition might be different from others, therefore you will never find it because it is a delusion in your mind.
        Think about it. If I just come to your place, without a word, F you in your bed. In your mind, it might be raping or brutality, but in others, it might be the most romantic or sexual fantasy.
      • well, actually i am looking for a kind of commitment. sex can be largely involved if a marriage license applies
        • commitment is a delusion. I can marry today, then divorce tomorrow. What difference does marriage make besides financially?
          If marriage does has binding power, then what would you feel if you want to leave the marriage for better life but your husband doesn't. When this happens, marriage becomes your prison.

          • She's never been married. She needs to experience everything every one of us has been through, which is a part of life, not the one that after having sex with a dozen guys, she couldn't tell which is which.
            That is commitment. For bad or for good, there will be someone who will make her cry, make her happy and make her bear his children.
            • Agree. But her fear stops her from moving forward. No pain no gain. In the end, she will get nothing. The strategy is if she can not find someone she totally trust or give her total commitment, find someone she can find some trust and some commitment.
              • No giving, no receiving. Equally important.
                • The fear of not getting prevent people from giving. So out of the fear, everyone sits there cry and wait for someone to feed them. 婚恋板块充满了流泪的眼睛和黑洞洞大嘴。