


  • 10磅鸡翅$31 (原价$60)Jumbo Chicken Wings
    • 刚注册了又来发帖子,跟那个卖鱼的是一个人吧?就别拿过期的东西来蒙人了,况其什么破鸡翅值6刀一磅啊?
      • That is obviously not my ID. Besides I never know the production date of the blue cod fish is in 2010. I would have never mentioned the deal to anyone if I had known that.
        I was also getting information from Wagjag as you guys. I am neither an insider nor a sales representative of any company or org. I am just a housewife and mom to my kids. If you are not happy with your purchase, go ahead for refund.
        • 清者自清,浊者自浊.让事实说话.让时间说话