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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 我在申请osap贷款时,填的存款的数目不是真实的数目,会不会被查出,并给个bad credit 记录,我很担心,在考虑是否应该撤消贷款申请。请大家帮忙拿个主意,先谢了
    • 都说了多少次了不要骗,查到后你的个人信用就像本猪的银行存款, 都是零
      • 你真是吓了我一身的冷汗,我下午赶快到学校要求撤消贷款申请。我8月24日申请的,还来得急撤消吗
        • 天哪, 现在就去吧, 希望他们效率低一点.
        • 最好是改, 把真实的资料补上去
          • 我现在就去
          • DX,我刚才打电话给学校,要求更改我的other asset的数字,
            DX,我刚才打电话给学校,要求更改我的other asset的数字,我问她这项应该包括什么,她说车和银行存款。我告诉她那我添错了, 我是否可以现在到学校该,她说我在收到singature以后才能改,现在什么也不能作。我现在 还没有收到singature。我在网上查了我申请的status,上面显示正在处理当中,2-3天后再查。我 现在该怎么办
            • I think you just wait until they sent you the forms. I put 0 on that area because I think it is house and car. Nothing happened and I got the loan issused and now still waiting for the loan documents.
              • you are excellent, i love you so much.
                • man. Don't do that. I am scared!( But if you are a girl, hehe,......) I think they don't put enough information online. I can't find the instruction for filling the form.
                  I didn't reside in Ontario for 12 months before I start my study, But I choose the option: always live in Ontario. Cause only by choosing it I can continue. I only want to apply for the federal loan. But they give me the ontario loan too even I sent them my LP. If they check the LP, I think they gonna find that I landed no more than one year. I am not sure if there is any problem for that. Hope everything would be fine. Good luck to both of us.
                  • You are so lucky,man.
                    • I don't think they gonna check the materials of everybody's.
                  • 更正: girl, not man