



Ocado actually first used TensorFlow to manage the flow of emails coming into its contact centre. Before TensorFlow the contact centre was dealing with emails on a first-in basis, with no sense of prioritisation. This would become an issue if bad weather hit and the volume of emails went up by three to four times and where issues with delivery would be much more pressing than something like website issues.

Dan Nelson, head of data at Ocado Technology told Computerworld UK: "So the business wanted to solve how to get a better grasp of what emails to deal with first, and that presented itself as a natural language problem," Nelson said. "So we wanted to intercept email as it arrived, understand the sentiment of it and also what they were talking about."

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  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 说说IT里面的创新

    比如,今天某甲framework出来,说自己怎样怎样,然后明天某乙framework出来,说某甲带来大量boilerplate ,不好。

    • 大概和影视界的互相吹捧一个意思
      • 大家从人性角度来考虑一下为啥会出现这个现象。提示,比如炒股常提到的恐惧和贪婪。还有一些恐惧和贪婪的副产品:比如懒,攀比,炫耀等。
    • 所以说科技再怎么发展,只要是人的社会,吹水的本领很重要,有时甚至重要过技术。 +1
      • 再给大家看看大领导吹水的例子

        Ocado actually first used TensorFlow to manage the flow of emails coming into its contact centre. Before TensorFlow the contact centre was dealing with emails on a first-in basis, with no sense of prioritisation. This would become an issue if bad weather hit and the volume of emails went up by three to four times and where issues with delivery would be much more pressing than something like website issues.

        Dan Nelson, head of data at Ocado Technology told Computerworld UK: "So the business wanted to solve how to get a better grasp of what emails to deal with first, and that presented itself as a natural language problem," Nelson said. "So we wanted to intercept email as it arrived, understand the sentiment of it and also what they were talking about."
        • 貌似现在人工智能追求的方向还是模拟人脑,包括人脑的局限性,和应对这种局限性而衍生的有害的策略(撒谎,掩盖等). 在已经证明人工智能潜力优于人脑的今天,这个好像有点有悖初衷。
          • 哪来的初衷,摸过河而已。
            • 不管怎么摸石头过河,还是为了让人类生活质量更好吧。否则岂不像群疯子做游戏?
              • 参见比特币。:)听说只要买了捂着,到昨天为止都会钱的质量大好。
                • 投机倒把永远会有。。。比特币总有一天会跌得一塌糊涂。这个和人工智能没可比性吧,后者是人类生产力的飞跃。 +1
    • ideas from scratch 叫创新,ideas arising by applying existing technologies 也叫创新。每个 idea 里面到底多少 creativity 算是创新?idea realization 之后,对社会的 impact 有多大,才能冠名为创新?那小谁,对不起,全中文实在说不明白了。
      • 非常buggy的idea还是不能叫创新。 +1
        • Idea 怎么会 buggy?
          • 看看制药公司的那些不被批准的药。
          • 还有其他例子,比如狗一下荒谬的发明之类的。
    • 没什么创新,idea都是老一套,只是大公司有财力把东西包装成半成品推向市场使用,再此基础上configure/ customize 使用。而以前很多公司都in house开发,现在有现成的基础设施用了